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Related Works on person records ignores works edited by the person #311

Open JannTibetan opened 3 years ago

JannTibetan commented 3 years ago

Example http://purl.bdrc.io/resource/P6141 He edited W23906 https://www.tbrc.org/#!rid=O1GS89439%7CO1GS894391GS89473$W10982 doesn't appear on BUDA either although P6141 is labeled as the main author

Is it possible that other roles are also being overlooked by the code?

eroux commented 3 years ago

It's an interesting case and there's probably something that should be studied a bit more (by looking at a bigger sample of our data). Persons can have roles in works (author, translator, etc.) and versions (ex: carver). The page only queries the works that are associated with the person. We could imagine a new tab with instances associated with the person.

Now, in the current way we migrate the data, editors are associated with the versions. In some cases it's just not correct as for instance Situ Panchen should be associated with the work of the Derge Kangyur, which he edited.

In some other cases, it's a bit more complex... for instance if we have a critical edition of the Spyod 'jug, edited by person PX: there will be one work which is the spyod 'jug and one version (the critical edition). In that case it doesn't make sense to associated PX with the work... That's a grey area of the bibliographical model.

JannTibetan commented 3 years ago

I see what you're saying. This person does appear in the version record of that text (i.e., http://purl.bdrc.io/resource/MW23906). What do you think of folding in edits and compilation into "created by?" We want "created by" to be very a broad category that cover roles such as terma discovery. Seems like translation, compilation, etc. are worthy of this. I think somebody even suggested we rename created by to simply "by."

eroux commented 3 years ago

Yes, let's do that