buddhi1980 / mandelbulber2

Official repository for Mandelbulber v2
GNU General Public License v3.0
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difference between openCl and c++; color texture from image #598

Closed mclarekin closed 5 years ago

mclarekin commented 5 years ago

sincosabx11meng baa1 cl sincosabx11meng baa1 cpp

mclarekin commented 5 years ago

steps to reproduce

1) make color texture image

Mandelbulber settings file

version 2.15

only modified parameters

[main_parameters] ambient_occlusion_enabled true; ambient_occlusion_quality 6; background_3_colors_enable false; background_brightness 0.5; background_color_1 0000 0000 4c00; background_color_2 0000 5500 0000; camera 0.1305136221771824 -1.24525037806613 0.276021414710155; camera_distance_to_target 6.881728950163156e-06; camera_rotation 53.45733549385211 0.6930977682247805 -2.779244533926984; camera_top -0.0191636549134172 -0.04614994850134765 0.9987506879014814; constant_DE_threshold true; DE_factor 0.9; DE_thresh 5e-05; detail_level 0.25; dont_add_c_constant_2 true; file_background C:\Users\Graeme\mandelbulber\my skies\IMG_0493.JPG; flight_last_to_render 0; fog_color_1 7500 7500 5200; fog_color_2 c200 c200 b800; fog_color_3 ff00 ff00 f700; formula_1 15; formula_2 134; formula_iterations_2 3; formula_stop_iteration_1 5; fov 0.5; glow_enabled false; hybrid_fractal_enable true; image_height 2400; image_proportion 3; image_width 3600; keyframe_last_to_render 0; main_light_alpha 0; main_light_beta 0; main_light_colour f000 f000 f000; mat1_coloring_palette_offset 4.19; mat1_coloring_palette_size 20; mat1_coloring_random_seed 72510; mat1_coloring_speed 2.11; mat1_fractal_coloring_color_4D_enabled_false true; mat1_fractal_coloring_extra_color_enabled_false true; mat1_fractal_coloring_ic_xyz_enabled_false true; mat1_fractal_coloring_init_cond_enabled_false true; mat1_fractal_coloring_iter_add_scale 0; mat1_fractal_coloring_orbit_trap_true false; mat1_fractal_coloring_xyz_000 0 0 1; mat1_fractal_coloring_xyz_bias_enabled_false true; mat1_fractal_coloring_xyzC_111 0 0 16; mat1_is_defined true; mat1_luminosity 0.1; mat1_luminosity_color ff00 fe00 ce00; mat1_specular 1; mat1_specular_color ff00 ff00 7f00; mat1_specular_metallic 1; mat1_specular_plastic_enable false; mat1_specular_width 1; mat1_surface_color_palette 3a3300 000000 450000 1b1e00 3a3300 2c1e1b 1e301d 281614 39332b 2a2a2a 585858 b3b522 000000 3a3406 aa2e25 000000 3a3406 79110a 000000 3a3300; mat2_fresnel_reflectance true; mat2_is_defined true; mat2_metallic false; mat2_name water; mat2_reflectance 1; mat2_specular 1; mat2_specular_width 0.161; mat2_surface_color 2300 4800 6800; mat2_use_colors_from_palette false; N 26; raytraced_reflections true; reflections_max 2; target 0.1305080937063114 -1.245246280838602 0.2760214979552856; textured_background true; textured_background_map_type 2; view_distance_max 369.5414751682664; volumetric_fog_colour_1_distance 0.1261576086531731; volumetric_fog_colour_2_distance 0.2523152173063463; volumetric_fog_density 0.025; volumetric_fog_distance_factor 0.2523152173063463; volumetric_fog_distance_from_surface 0.1; volumetric_fog_enabled true; [fractal_1] analyticDE_enabled_false true; analyticDE_scale_1 1.3; fold_color_aux_color_enabled_false true; mandelbox_color 1.1 0.5 3.5; mandelbox_color_4D 0.03 0 0.07000000000000001 0; mandelbox_color_Sp1 0; mandelbox_color_Sp2 0; mandelbox_offset 0 0 -0.1; mandelbox_vary_rpower 0.8; transf_addition_constant_0000 0 0 0 0.03; transf_function_enabledCx_false true; transf_maxR2_1 0.9; transf_minR2_p25 0.15; transf_offset_0000 0 0 0 0.9; transf_offset_1111 1 0.7 1 0.5; transf_scale_1 1.1; transf_scale_vary_0 0.01; transf_scaleB_1 0.9; transf_start_iterations_A 9; transf_start_iterations_X 1; transf_stop_iterations_A 10; transf_stop_iterations_B 17; transf_stop_iterations_C 12; transf_stop_iterations_D 1; transf_stop_iterations_S 13; [fractal_2] analyticDE_scale_1 1.3; fold_color_aux_color_enabled_false true; mandelbox_color_4D 0.03 0 0.07000000000000001 0; mandelbox_color_Sp1 0; mandelbox_color_Sp2 0; mandelbox_vary_rpower 0.8; transf_addition_constant_0000 0 0 0 0.03; transf_function_enabledCx_false true; transf_maxR2_1 0.9; transf_minR2_p25 0.15; transf_offset_0000 0 0 0 0.9; transf_offset_1111 1 0.7 1 0.5; transf_scale_vary_0 0.01; transf_scaleB_1 0.9; transf_start_iterations_A 9; transf_start_iterations_X 1; transf_stop_iterations_A 10; transf_stop_iterations_B 17; transf_stop_iterations_C 12; transf_stop_iterations_S 13;

mclarekin commented 5 years ago

2) render fractal using above image for color texture

Mandelbulber settings file

version 2.15

only modified parameters

[main_parameters] ambient_occlusion_enabled true; background_3_colors_enable false; camera 12.86552225547709 9.813683587564434 -5.454796800527685; camera_distance_to_target 8.896046473843027; camera_rotation -45.53171391662914 -25.69206112166925 -5.63282881556393; camera_top 0.2391350317807551 0.3722763256071369 0.8967858016090944; DE_factor 0.8; dont_add_c_constant_2 true; file_envmap C:\Users\timemit\Desktop\2018Octpics\P1540892x.jpg; flight_last_to_render 0; formula_1 1082; formula_2 119; formula_3 7; formula_stop_iteration_1 1; formula_stop_iteration_2 4; formula_weight_3 0.9999999999999999; fov 0.5; glow_color_1 8e00 ed00 f700; glow_enabled false; glow_intensity 0.0004319336066138768; hybrid_fractal_enable true; image_proportion 3; image_width 900; keyframe_last_to_render 0; main_light_colour ff00 ff00 ff00; main_light_intensity 1.3; mat1_file_color_texture D:\v2 win10\testing\testing bb4D aaa8 s36 texture.png; mat1_is_defined true; mat1_luminosity 0.3; mat1_luminosity_color 5500 ff00 ff00; mat1_specular_color ff00 ff00 0000; mat1_specular_plastic_enable false; mat1_surface_color 8a00 8b00 4100; mat1_surface_color_palette fd6029 698403 fff59c f5bd22 55ffff 325530 ffff7f 3b9fee d4ffd4 aba53c; mat1_use_color_texture true; reflections_max 3; target 18.5864447523691 15.4293972832041 -9.311537437119009; view_distance_max 83.09552125422042; volumetric_fog_colour_1_distance 7.115242881973601e-05; volumetric_fog_colour_2_distance 0.000142304857639472; volumetric_fog_density 0.03125; volumetric_fog_distance_factor 0.000142304857639472; volumetric_fog_enabled true; volumetric_light_DE_Factor 10.19487722456765; [fractal_1] alpha_angle_offset -4.530674; analyticDE_offset_1 -0.4; beta_angle_offset 3.500978; mandelbox_folding_fixed_radius 0.641898; mandelbox_folding_limit 2.00421; mandelbox_folding_min_radius 0.442126; mandelbox_folding_value 2.191132; mandelbox_main_rotation_enabled true; mandelbox_rotation_main -28.523119 -161.029592 -66.765215; mandelbox_scale 0.5; power 4.986269; transf_addition_constant_0555 0.5 0.5 -0.111875; transf_addition_constant_0777 0.260279 0.863198 1.703551; transf_constant_julia_c 4.737499257139516 0 0; transf_constant_julia_mode true; transf_constant_multiplier_000 -1.033769 -3.829976 0.443595; transf_constant_multiplier_121 3.025879 2 2.620366; transf_constant_multiplierA_111 2.025055 0.253206 0.795175; transf_constant_multiplierB_111 -0.148857 2.033939 0.044997; transf_function_enabled false; transf_function_enabled_false true; transf_function_enabledBx_false true; transf_function_enabledP_false true; transf_function_enabledR_false true; transf_int_1 3; transf_int_A 3; transf_int_B 1; transf_maxR2_1 2.075; transf_minimum_radius_0 0.016982; transf_minimum_radius_05 0.763161; transf_minR2_p25 0; transf_offset -0.1; transf_offset_0 -0.1; transf_rotation 0 4 0; transf_rotation_enabled true; transf_scale 0.9; transf_start_iterations_250 1; transf_start_iterations_A 4; transf_stop_iterations_B 13; transf_stop_iterations_M 30; transf_stop_iterations_P1 2; [fractal_2] analyticDE_offset_1 -0.4; mandelbox_scale 0.5; transf_function_enabled false; transf_function_enabledK_false true; transf_function_enabledM false; transf_int_A 3; transf_int_B 1; transf_maxR2_1 2.075; transf_minR2_p25 0; transf_offset -0.1; transf_offset_0 -1.2; transf_rotation 0 4 0; transf_rotation_enabled true; transf_scale 1.2; transf_start_iterations_A 4; transf_stop_iterations_B 13; transf_stop_iterations_P1 2; [fractal_3] analyticDE_offset_1 -0.4; mandelbox_scale 0.5; transf_function_enabled false; transf_function_enabledK_false true; transf_function_enabledM false; transf_maxR2_1 2.075; transf_minR2_p25 0; transf_offset -0.1; transf_offset_0 -1.2; transf_rotation 0 0.001 0; transf_rotation_enabled true; transf_scale 1.2; transf_scale_2 1.6; transf_stop_iterations_1 3; transf_stop_iterations_A 1; transf_stop_iterations_P1 2; transf_stop_iterations_R 14;

buddhi1980 commented 5 years ago

Everything is as is expected. The texture has very small scale in second settings. In CPU mode there is used mipmapping algorithm for textures (https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mipmapping) which eliminates aliasing of zoomed out textures (filters the texture) . In OpenCL code it is not implemented (very difficult code), but you can use MC rendering which will give almost the same final result. To render it in correct way, you should increase scale of the texture (in material editor) or render image it in higher resolution on CPU (with reduction of detail level). Then the noise from texture will be visible.

buddhi1980 commented 5 years ago

Rendered on CPU in higher resolution (then mipmapping has less effect) mckintexture

mclarekin commented 5 years ago

Thanks for explanation.

On Fri, Dec 7, 2018 at 6:22 AM Krzysztof Marczak notifications@github.com wrote:

Rendered on CPU in higher resolution (then mipmapping has less effect) [image: mckintexture] https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11696990/49600593-d850b500-f983-11e8-829b-32dc2c89e3f4.jpg

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/buddhi1980/mandelbulber2/issues/598#issuecomment-444955264, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AMLZHF1V6FtGOQsf6gKehEyGSDUS5jSiks5u2VJJgaJpZM4ZGHIm .

mclarekin commented 5 years ago

BTW That was the last issue on my Materials Editor list relating to openCL versus c++ . Everything has now been fixed or explained . FINISHED ☺☺☺

On Fri, Dec 7, 2018 at 7:33 AM carbuncle grim mclarekin@gmail.com wrote:

Thanks for explanation.

On Fri, Dec 7, 2018 at 6:22 AM Krzysztof Marczak notifications@github.com wrote:

Rendered on CPU in higher resolution (then mipmapping has less effect) [image: mckintexture] https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11696990/49600593-d850b500-f983-11e8-829b-32dc2c89e3f4.jpg

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/buddhi1980/mandelbulber2/issues/598#issuecomment-444955264, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AMLZHF1V6FtGOQsf6gKehEyGSDUS5jSiks5u2VJJgaJpZM4ZGHIm .