buddhi1980 / mandelbulber2

Official repository for Mandelbulber v2
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Lose ability to click on fractal window #859

Closed degriz closed 3 years ago

degriz commented 3 years ago

After what seems to be a random amount of time you can no longer click in the window to move camera or change any other settings. Latest nightly.

degriz commented 3 years ago

Seems to be something that gets set/saved in the project file because now cant edit on reload either.

buddhi1980 commented 3 years ago

Can you paste here this settings file which causes the problem?

Michas0206 commented 3 years ago

I have also recognized this here, latest dev.

When I am not completely wrong I have a file here where it happens all the time...possibly it helps to reproduce. But it takes 1-2 hours until I can take a look.

Furthermore there seems to be a very sporadic problem (with antialiasing ?) - sometimes I have strange results with latest dev, not sure how to reproduce, it seems it often happens in high resolutions with aa on. Hard to describe how they look, somehow unfinished - dark and unsharp. I'll try to reproduce later today, too.

In early 2.26 dev some months ago I was not able to see both problems, so I think they were caused by a change in the last weeks somehow

Edit: Here it happens to me, both problems at once - unsharp + unable to use mouse in the window anymore:

# Mandelbulber settings file
# version 2.26
# only modified parameters
ambient_occlusion 5,44;
ambient_occlusion_color 3e00 5200 8b00;
ambient_occlusion_enabled true;
ambient_occlusion_quality 8;
antialiasing_enabled true;
camera 2,08000503787474 -4,07508773202335 2,02167733234954;
camera_distance_to_target 0,0317888181272827;
camera_rotation 143,276495812237 -21,817332976373 -10,7386270433972;
camera_top -0,06898864869706 -0,404087134423107 0,912115208811187;
contrast 1,05;
DE_factor 1,2;
detail_level 0,666666666666667;
DOF_blur_opacity 1;
DOF_enabled true;
DOF_focus 0,0310744624584913;
DOF_max_radius 1000;
DOF_number_of_passes 4;
fake_lights_intensity 0,5;
fake_lights_max_iter 16;
fake_lights_visibility 0,25;
flight_last_to_render 0;
formula_1 59;
formula_2 61;
formula_iterations_1 7;
fov 33,13;
gamma 0,8;
glow_enabled false;
hybrid_fractal_enable true;
image_height 2160;
image_proportion 2;
image_width 2880;
julia_c 0,161826154707314 0 -1,99663716712413;
julia_mode true;
keyframe_last_to_render 0;
light1_is_defined true;
mat1_color_texture_intensity 1,5;
mat1_file_color_texture /home/m/Schreibtisch/Fract/Texturen/My_lightmap_5.jpg;
mat1_iridescence_intensity 4;
mat1_is_defined true;
mat1_reflectance 0,6;
mat1_specular 10;
mat1_specular_metallic 4;
mat1_surface_color d600 cc00 b300;
mat1_surface_color_gradient 0 fd6029 999 698403 1999 fff59b 2999 f5bd22 3999 0b5e87 5000 c68876 5999 a51c64 7000 3b9fee 7999 d4ffd4 9000 aba53c;
mat1_texture_fractalize true;
mat1_texture_fractalize_cube_size 8;
mat1_texture_fractalize_start_iteration 7;
mat1_transparency_index_of_refraction 6;
mat1_use_color_texture true;
mat1_use_colors_from_palette false;
mat3_fresnel_reflectance true;
mat3_is_defined true;
mat3_name copper;
mat3_reflectance 0,4;
mat3_reflections_color ff00 9e00 7d00;
mat3_specular 27,88;
mat3_specular_color ff00 d800 bd00;
mat3_surface_color 7400 4800 3a00;
mat3_surface_color_gradient 0 fd6029 999 698403 1999 fff59b 2999 f5bd22 3999 0b5e87 5000 c68876 5999 a51c64 7000 3b9fee 7999 d4ffd4 9000 aba53c;
mat3_transparency_index_of_refraction 8,96;
mat3_use_colors_from_palette false;
primitive_sphere_1_material_id 3;
primitive_sphere_1_position 2,07962944033584 -4,15092267549796 2,0001698409182;
primitive_sphere_1_radius 0,0011;
repeat_from 2;
saturation 1,02;
target 2,06235828240305 -4,09874241301932 2,00986305936172;
fold_color_aux_color_enabled false;
mandelbox_folding_fixed_radius 0,9;
mandelbox_folding_min_radius 0;
mandelbox_main_rotation_enabled true;
mandelbox_scale 1;
transf_addCpixel_enabled_false true;
transf_addition_constant 1,38777878078145e-16 0,6 0;
transf_constant_multiplier_000 0,7 -0,7 -4,3;
transf_offset 0,8;
transf_offset_111 2 0,95 0,8;
transf_rotation 0 0 -26,999991;
transf_rotation2 0 0 -23,653824;
transf_scale_0 2,1;
transf_scale_3 3,1;
mandelbox_folding_fixed_radius 0,9;
mandelbox_folding_min_radius 0;
mandelbox_scale 1;
transf_addition_constant -0,084801 -0,855654 0,948418;
transf_addition_constant_111 0,532721 0,848203 0,328473;
transf_addition_constantA_000 0,157305 -3,290177 -0,677321;
transf_constant_multiplier_111 1,4 1,5 1,2;
transf_function_enabledx_false true;
transf_offset_111 2,7 0,95 1,3;
transf_rotation2 0 0 -29,5;
transf_rotation2_enabled_false true;
transf_rotation_enabled true;
transf_scale_3 2,2;
transf_stop_iterations_A 251;


buddhi1980 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting it It is reproducible. It looks like there is missing z-buffer output. I will fix it ASAP.

buddhi1980 commented 3 years ago
