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buddycloud static site generation and gh_pages
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Creating new pages without them appearing on the menu #22

Closed imaginator closed 10 years ago

imaginator commented 10 years ago

I created https://github.com/buddycloud/buddycloud.com/blob/master/content/pages/features-full.html but don't want it to be appearing on the main menu. Is there a good way to achieve this?

guilhermesgb commented 10 years ago

For now, the only procedure I know to achieve this is the same I applied to the style-guide page: move it to _buddycloud-theme/templates_ and declare it as one of the _DIRECT_TEMPLATES_ at _pelicanconf.py_.

But ideally both the styleguide page and this one should be located within the _content/pages/_ folder. I'll come up with a solution that ensures that.

guilhermesgb commented 10 years ago

Just did it. Pages with the meta variable "show_in_top_menu" set to "false" will no longer appear in the top menu.