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buddycloud static site generation and gh_pages
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API page menu #3

Closed nicolasgarnil closed 10 years ago

nicolasgarnil commented 10 years ago

Have the API page generate an on-page menu (Like the menu on the side of http://middlemanapp.com/helpers/ or http://developer.github.com/v3/issues/) based off the H2 and H3 level markdown headings. What's the best way to do this based off the headings in the api.md file?

nicolasgarnil commented 10 years ago

May be we can split the api page into different files and have an extra yaml file (http://middlemanapp.com/advanced/local-data/) which we can use as an index <title, file> to generate both the api page and the on-page menu. This would make the api section more maintainable as the actual one has more than 1.6k lines.

nicolasgarnil commented 10 years ago

Simon (10/21/2013):

Maintainable files would be good :) IMHO, the Git API pages do this well! (but use Nanoc) I asked on the forum and got this great response: http://forum.middlemanapp.com/t/generate-inpage-navigation-nice-api-documentation/1002. It sounds like exactly what we want to do.

imaginator commented 10 years ago

Switched to Pelican