buddycloud / buddycloud.com

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Getting started #74

Open imaginator opened 9 years ago

imaginator commented 9 years ago

19:58 sekistner@gmail.com (Severin Kistner) 19:58 so what do I use the REST api for and when the javascript library that is based on some real time nodejs framework?

19:59 simon@imaginator.com the only think you need to use it for is to register a user account I'd recommend you use the js api for everything else.

19:59 sekistner@gmail.com (Severin Kistner) register an account for what? so I need some api tool to create a user account on my instance to then use some javascript framework. but it sais on get started I should use the rest api for mobile..... what do I need for what and for what purpose? I just want to push some data from one user to another

20:01 simon@imaginator.com then just use the js one but if you run a backend service then it's maybe easier to do rest calls. for web the JS api is so so so much better

20:02 sekistner@gmail.com (Severin Kistner) but where do I connect to? the buddycloud instace with the library, this is not REST then?

20:02 simon@imaginator.com so abmar is upgrading right now…

20:02 sekistner@gmail.com (Severin Kistner) this is websocket stuff is it? 20:02 You have connected

20:02 simon@imaginator.com yes

20:02 sekistner@gmail.com (Severin Kistner) because there is also /sync and stuff for the rest api

20:03 simon@imaginator.com it shows you where to conect in your hosting page

20:03 sekistner@gmail.com (Severin Kistner) this is all pretty confusing. I would've been turned off already by now. If everything is XMPP why use buddycloud then?

20:06 simon@imaginator.com xmpp is signalling

20:06 sekistner@gmail.com (Severin Kistner) why not some 0815 xmpp server?

20:06 simon@imaginator.com you need an application in the background to do the publish subscribe

20:06 sekistner@gmail.com (Severin Kistner) but is XMPP ftw also buddycloud?

20:06 simon@imaginator.com it's a way to access all the buddycloud services: https://xmpp-ftw.jit.su/manual/extensions/buddycloud

20:09 sekistner@gmail.com (Severin Kistner) so this is an extension to some library?

20:09 simon@imaginator.com you can think of xmpp-ftw as a nice way to get JSON in and out of buddycloud services it's xmpp-ftw's native buddycloud support it's what http://buddycloud.com/slate-api?javascript# calls are based on

20:10 sekistner@gmail.com (Severin Kistner) but actually people have to learn xmpp-ftw and not the buddycloud Api then? You know what I want, I want a library that is buddycloud.js and I put in there buddycloud.status.farm and can use that thing.... That's what I was expecting I just want to push some data up and get some back between two users. now I have a hosting instance, a rest api, and some XMPP library with a buddycloud extension I don't know why it's important but it is actually required for all the cool stuff buddycloud offers. like the realtime thing okay, so there is also the "slate-api" that is not public yet?

20:15 simon@imaginator.com yeah - that's about to be released. that's our new documentation I showed it to you the other day we're just doing some final fixes

20:16 sekistner@gmail.com (Severin Kistner) okay.... why is this not public yet?

20:17 simon@imaginator.com there are still some errors

20:17 sekistner@gmail.com (Severin Kistner) I mean besides the slick examples

20:17 simon@imaginator.com but it's almost there. Guilherme has been doing a great job on getting all the examples written and tested.

20:19 sekistner@gmail.com (Severin Kistner) and what library do I use there? the xmpp ftw?

20:19 simon@imaginator.com did you see http://buddycloud.com/get-started

20:19 sekistner@gmail.com (Severin Kistner) sure, that's where I started

20:20 simon@imaginator.com we'll change it to merge with http://buddycloud.com/cooking-with-buddycloud-chat-app so that you just have something really basic. sorry for this fraustration. But it's also giving us good feedback

sekistner@gmail.com (Severin Kistner) Really get a developer, give him some incentive and record every step he takes. You should do that in the future because I will be burned soon. I will know too much about it and I am blind like you guys I wand to build this app and I wanted to use buddycloud for it because you told me I can have Realtime and Following and user-management immediately. That was the incentive.

20:38 sekistner@gmail.com (Severin Kistner) you know what you should get github.com/buddycloud/javascipt-sdk github.com/buddycloud/android-sdk something like that

20:38 simon@imaginator.com yeah

20:39 sekistner@gmail.com (Severin Kistner) both work the same, first step is the same put in your buddycloud server credentials and booyah do everything trough that api. give the user the feeling he does these 2 steps and he is set

20:40 simon@imaginator.com yeah

20:40 sekistner@gmail.com (Severin Kistner) then he just checks the api doc for what he wants to do and he can start working on it. create user, add channel whatever

  1. creat BC server 2. download SDK 3. put in credentials and you are set 3 steps and then there is a slick api that covers everything and you find everything you need immediately kinda said that twice, but you get the idea also, CTA is important everywhere. guide the user the hosting page is perfect with the dns setup

20:45 simon@imaginator.com cta?

20:45 sekistner@gmail.com (Severin Kistner) maybe you should combine that, after the dns worked it has a button download SDK (js + android etc) call to action

20:46 simon@imaginator.com ok

imaginator commented 9 years ago




  1. creat BC server
  2. download SDK
  3. put in credentials and you are set
sekistner commented 9 years ago

I mean it's not a totally new idea, https://github.com/buddycloud/buddycloud-android-sdk is already there. But I think the website has to guide the users trough these 3 steps and everybody knows immediately what it means.