buddyjojo / worli

simple wor on linux installer
23 stars 5 forks source link

things i would like to implement/need opinion on #1

Open buddyjojo opened 2 years ago

buddyjojo commented 2 years ago
  1. auto uupdump downloading

i'm not quite sure on if i should implement this. on one hand it would make the script more convenient. but this has two things against it.

  1. a way to debloat yeah I'm not sure on this one

  2. a simple terminal gui? eh probably not

  3. add nvme support

that's it for now I'm 99% sure no one's gonna read this but I'm bored and just decided to make this

buddyjojo commented 2 years ago

dang come on at least someone respond smh

F-fengzi commented 2 years ago


buddyjojo commented 2 years ago


buddyjojo commented 1 year ago

heh looks like i can knock off 3 on the list

F-fengzi commented 1 year ago

wait I can edit your comment how

buddyjojo commented 1 year ago

welp 1 is also done now ig

lolimjustherefornoreason commented 4 months ago
