budgetneon / v2pagecache

Page Cache for OpenCart V2.X
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mega filter pro dosn't work #25

Closed tunnabulutlu closed 7 years ago

tunnabulutlu commented 7 years ago

mega filter pro journal oc

disable v2pagecache after check no problem. enable v2pagecache after check dosn't work :(

can you help me ?

I 've Tried off or on cache megafilter in megafilter setting disable or enable.

budgetneon commented 7 years ago

It's a similar problem to the one you opened earlier.

Megafilter creates different types of content for the same url. That won't work for a page cache.

If it did something like http://example.com/category?filter1=x&filter2=y , then it would work, as there would only be one "page" that went with each url. Unfortunately, mega filter doesn't work that way.

tunnabulutlu commented 7 years ago

v2pagecache ,Skip megafilter module.Would it be?

thank you

budgetneon commented 7 years ago

There's no easy fix. Skip only skips by url.

tunnabulutlu commented 7 years ago

skip to mega filter for home page will be ? (I do not think so)


home page url skip '#/#', What should i write ? thank you

budgetneon commented 7 years ago

'#^/$#' would skip the home page.

It's a regular expression


tunnabulutlu commented 7 years ago

skipped home page successful. but Did not work again mega filter for home page :(

I could not do it :)

tunnabulutlu commented 7 years ago

Everyone uses filter.Will not you have a solution to that? skip megafilter or skip home page.I try skip home page but doesn't work still megafilter on home page.

and have mobil other problems..

budgetneon commented 7 years ago

No, I'm not going to buy a paid extension to support an extension that I give away at no cost.

There are page cache modules that you can pay for. Those perhaps have more extensive support than I can offer. Or, you could try the page cache that already comes with the Journal theme that you paid for.

budgetneon commented 7 years ago

Also, see this https://github.com/budgetneon/v2pagecache/issues/7

tunnabulutlu commented 7 years ago

ı Try all cache nitropact and orher all error other modules :(

thank you

adrianmihalko commented 3 years ago

Mega Filter Plus adds /mfp/ to the URL so you can skip cache for these pages.