Closed Flores02 closed 6 years ago
@Flores02 thanks for testing Mondo! I am really sorry, this is one problem with having the youtube. I have made a big update to mondo, and some things are different from how they appear in the videos.
Most important, xrdb/xresoruces is no longer a dependcy. This means that the resources are no longer bound to to xresources strange naming convention and stuff. So instead of listing resources, you can now do: mondo -l vars , that will list all variables. Another important difference is that the var names now doesn't need the mondo. prefix.
My best advice is to read the mondo documentation (mondo -h or the readme) and also have a look at my personal mondo config files (be aware that some fonts and icon themes might not match yours):
the "lets" directory is my ~/.config/mondo directory.
~Another approach you can take is. Use the old version of mondo that i use in the videos:
But this new version is much smarter and better.
I think i should make new mondo videos, updated to the new version and remove the old ones to not create too much confusion. I will start making these videos tonight.
Thank you really much will do what you said and keep you up to date! Keep it up i love mondo it makes life so much easier!
Hello BudRich,
I would like to thank you for all your work around i3-wm tiling and ricing, it really makes it seem easier to do and save from hours of research and testing.
I decided today to use your mondo tool to manage themes in my i3-wm. I started following your videos tutorials and created a theme as you suggested without parsing any file to it just a simple command:
mondo -n mytheme
If this would have worked like you stated in your video I would have some mondo resources defined in it right? Like that:
define fg #bdae93
define bg #252323
define base00 #252323
define base01 #8f3f71
define base02 #427b58
define base03 #32302F
define base0 #b57614
define base1 #bdae93
define base2 #ebdbb2
define base3 #f9f5d7
define red #cc241d
define ora #9d0006
define grn #98971a
define ylw #d79921
define blu #458588
define mag #b16286
define vio #076678
define cyn #689d6a
mondo.colors.fg1: fg mondo.colors.fg2: base2 mondo.colors.bg1: bg mondo.colors.bg2: base03
mondo.colors.dark1: base00 mondo.colors.light1: base3
mondo.colors.act1: blu mondo.colors.act2: base3 mondo.colors.act3: base00
mondo.colors.ina1: base03 mondo.colors.ina2: fg mondo.colors.ina3: base2
mondo.colors.sel1: base00 mondo.colors.sel2: base3
!! GUI theme
define cursortheme Adwaita
define icontheme ePapirus
define gtktheme buddybud
!! Terminal fonts
define terminalfontface1 monospace
define terminalfontsize1 12
define terminalfontface2 monospace
define terminalfontsize2 18
!! GUI fonts
define guifontface1 monospace
define guifontsize1 12
define guifontface2 sans
define guifontsize2 18
Because it takes kind of inspiration from Xresources by default (also nitce my .Xresources file looks exactly like yours in your tutorials, importing colors and urxvt file).
So my theme file looks like this:
!! Theme: mytheme
!! Author: dreamer !! Created: 2018-08-30
bg #222222 bg2 #333333
fg #DDDDDD comment #AAAAAA
red #FF0000 green #00FF00 blue #0000FF yellow #FFFF00 cyan #00FFFF magenta #FF00FF
dark #000000 light #FFFFFF
activebg cyan activefg light activehl dark
inactivebg blue inactivefg fg
selectedbg magenta selectedfg light
It produces something similar to this even if I parse an Xresources type file from the unixporn contest you linked up in your video. But by reading the README of the latest mondo version I found out that the synopsis for creating a new theme has changed like you can't parse a file anymore? Just a name?
I watched your videos multiple times to find where I could have done something wrong but I don't find my error maybe something changed in newer mondo versions? I also output my xrdb resources and everything is fine on this part. I'm really stuck and dont know how to solve this...
Thank you for reading, Hope you can give me a hand, Thanks :)