budryerson / TFMini-Plus-I2C

Arduino library for the Benewake TFMini-Plus LiDAR distance sensor in I2C communication mode
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Change mode from UART to I2C! #11

Closed tusharvb19 closed 2 years ago

tusharvb19 commented 3 years ago

Help needed!!! Hi, I did try to change the mode form UART to I2C by following this guide: https://discuss.ardupilot.org/t/benewake-tfmini-s-how-to-issue-commands-to-change-from-uart-to-i2c/57495/49 Here is the error screen snip! image

budryerson commented 3 years ago

The Benewake GUI works only in Serial Mode. If you sent a command to change to I2C mode, and the command was successful, then you can only communicate in I2C mode. An Arduino Pro Mini or Mega 2560 is not expensive and has an I2C interface. If you get an Arduino, I can help you. We will make this work.

Givy commented 2 years ago

Hi Bud,

Do you know if there is a GUI interface connection for TFMini-S to use it when its already in the I2C mode to change the speed from 100 to 400 or set it back to the factory setting etc.?

Thanks Givi

budryerson commented 2 years ago

Hey Givi, Thanks for writing. The TFMini-S behaves as an I2C Slave devices and bus speed is set by the Master, the Arduino in this case. Use the Wire.setClock( clockFrequency) function to change the Artduino bus speed. I hope I got that right and that it answers your question. Bud

Givy commented 2 years ago

Hi Bud, Thanks for your prompt response and info. I went to their web site "http://en.benewake.com/download" and found some GUI for updating and testing the TFmini-plus in UART mode (no idea what their latest firmware version is or where to get it).
So, we only have your great "TFMPI2C" lib to work with. If you have any other source, please let me know.

Regards, Givi

budryerson commented 2 years ago


Whenever I wonder, "Gee, did I blow this thing up? Does it still work?" I check to see if the internal red light is on. If it is, the chances are that the device still works. The next step, for me, is the manufacturer's GUI, which will tell me if I'm getting data. That is ALL I have ever used that GUI for. After that, for me, it's the "great" TFMPI2C library. The example sketch TFMPI2C_simple.ino is as simple as I could make it. From there, you can add commands, such as checking the firmware version.

Documentation for the TFMini-S is available here: http://en.benewake.com/res/wuliu/docs/15936159693952399SJ-PM-TFmini-S A01 Product Manual.pdf http://en.benewake.com/res/wuliu/docs/15936159500205286SJ-PM-TFmini-S-01 A01 Datasheet.pdf

For the latest firmware and firmware updater software you need to contact Benewake support. They will provide you with a link.

Have fun,


Givy commented 2 years ago

Hi Bud,

Thanks again. You are great. It is working for me, and I actually have two of them running simultaneously, but one is showing 2cm shorter than the other one, don't know why. That’s why I thought there could be a way to adjust/modify the accuracy in code or firmware etc. Regards, Givi

budryerson commented 2 years ago

Givi, The manual states that accuracy is ±6cm at distances between 0.1 and 6 meters, then ±1% of the distance at 6 - 12 meters. Repeatability is "directly related to the Strength value measured and the output frame rate." However, if your error is consistent, then you can easily compensate in your code. Also, be sure they're pointing at the same target. 😄 Bud

Givy commented 2 years ago
