buerokratt / Analytics-Module

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Fixes to the Feedback page #104

Open PaulaMerle opened 1 year ago

PaulaMerle commented 1 year ago

Tested at https://admin.dev.buerokratt.ee/analytics/feedback

1AhmedYasser commented 1 year ago

Fixed Feedback to the selected advisor

@PaulaMerle Chat statuses has been modified from the time of writing of analytics module, we need to discuss how will the new modified chat statuses will be modified

Current Chat Completed Status in Bürokratt

PaulaMerle commented 1 year ago


1AhmedYasser commented 1 year ago

@PaulaMerle Thank you

MarkusVeltri commented 1 year ago

BUG - @1AhmedYasser

1.Problem. Feedback (Tagasiside) does not register properly.

2.How it should be. Feedback and ended chats should correlate since the End User needs to give feedback.

3.Problem in detail. Feedback showed incorrect number only at 15.00, although there had been ratings given also at 10.00,13.00 and 16.00.

4.How to replicate problem. As CSA end chat and as End User give a NPS score, then open analytics.

  1. Pictures.



PaulaMerle commented 1 year ago

Tested 02.10, list appears - FIXED When clicking on the View button (Vaata), empty page is opened Expected result: by clicking the View button in the chat line, the view of the corresponding chat should open on the history page of the Chats module according to https://github.com/buerokratt/Analytics-Module/issues/15

1AhmedYasser commented 1 year ago

BUG - @1AhmedYasser

1.Problem. Feedback (Tagasiside) does not register properly.

2.How it should be. Feedback and ended chats should correlate since the End User needs to give feedback.

3.Problem in detail. Feedback showed incorrect number only at 15.00, although there had been ratings given also at 10.00,13.00 and 16.00.

4.How to replicate problem. As CSA end chat and as End User give a NPS score, then open analytics.

  1. Pictures.



I tested this on my side and its working as its intended

Chat Statuses (Lõpetatud staatused / vestluste arv): It gets the chat statuses for all ended chats whether CSA has taken over or not As Feedback on advisor conversations -> Tagasiside nõustajate vestlustele: it gets feedback (NPS) to CSA chats in which CSA has taken over the chat

To replicate this behaviour, start a chat and make the CSA take it over and then end it, you will then find it in both graphs, but if the CSA ended it from the unanswered tab without taking it over, then nothing will show in NPS, because there were no actual CSA in it.

PaulaMerle commented 11 months ago
1AhmedYasser commented 11 months ago

@PaulaMerle Added Direct history path to chatbot https://github.com/buerokratt/Buerokratt-Chatbot/pull/317

Now in analytics module you just need to change the REACT_APP_BUEROKRATT_CHATBOT_URL to your current base url and the it will be for example http://localhost:3001/chat/chat/history?chat=a400afe9-924c-4ed1-b515-5cda3de0c370 then it will open the chat bot on the history page with the specified chat opened

Note: make sure you are logged in to chatbot first

ValterAro commented 10 months ago

[BUG] Short summary: When under "Tagasiside" / "Feedback" and in the "Negatiivse tagasisdega vestlused" tab and using the "vaata" / "look" function for a listed item then the url that the user is sent to is wrong. Expected result: You should be able to see the conversation that was between the csa and a customer Real result: You get sent to an empty page. How to test: After logging in go to https://admin.dev.buerokratt.ee/analytics/feedback (if necessary create a negative feedback dialog). On this site select "negatiivse tagasisidega vestlused" and use "vaata" / "look". This leads to the url like this "https://admin.dev.buerokratt.ee/chat/chat/history?chat=4e7953ca-c7fb-468f-ae36-823522ebbb80". The problem with this url is that there is an extra "/chat" in the url. If you delete this and go to "https://admin.dev.buerokratt.ee/chat/history?chat=4e7953ca-c7fb-468f-ae36-823522ebbb80" then all works.

Pic image

1AhmedYasser commented 10 months ago


@varmoh @ValterAro Please Check REACT_APP_BUEROKRATT_CHATBOT_URL on the dev environment, if it contains an extra /chat then remove it and try again

ValterAro commented 8 months ago

Short summary: The site does not show the chats with negative feedback, even though there should be one. Everything used to work before the migration. Expected result: there should be a chat with a negative feedback for today and several for yesterday Real result: there are no chats in the list How to replicate: login to buerokratt and go to https://admin.dev.buerokratt.ee/analytics/feedback . Then select either today(12.01.2024) or yesterday and you should see a list of chats, but there are none. You can also create a new chat and tell it to "suuna" meaning to redirect it to csa and then as a csa end it. After that give negative feedback as a customer. Pic:


ValterAro commented 6 months ago

Short summary: The start and end time for the chat listing under negative feedback is wrong. Real result: The conversation listing under the negative feedback section shows end time as being before the start time. Also both times seem to be about 15 minutes too early Expected result: The times should be as shown in the conversation history How to reproduce: Go to https://admin.dev.buerokratt.ee/analytics/feedback and check the today's (26.02.2024) chat and compare with the conversation history one. You could also create a new chat with a feedback below 5. Pic:



ValterAro commented 6 months ago

Seems to work as intended!