buerokratt / Analytics-Module

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Metrics and graphics under menu button Vestlused (chats) #7

Open PaulaMerle opened 2 years ago

PaulaMerle commented 2 years ago

AS AN Analytic module user I WANT TO have predefined chat-related metrics under Vestlused SO THAT I can visualize them easily by clicking on the desired metric.

Acceptance Criteria

General requirements

User selections for graphics to be shown

Options in -- choose metric -- (dropdown with 1 possible selection)

Options in -- vali periood -- (dropdown with 1 possible selection)





REST endpoints as CSV

turnerrainer commented 1 year ago

These predefined selections currently all have corresponding matches in a PostgreSQL database.

mikkolli commented 1 year ago

Figma wireframes can be found here: https://www.figma.com/file/Buf426ch4ToKq8dP47xJ75/B%C3%BCrokratt-Analytics-Design?node-id=0%3A1&t=D8SQVJNDtAdVZI9n-1

PaulaMerle commented 1 year ago

BUG - tested at https://admin.dev.buerokratt.ee/analytics/chats, 22.08.2023 Expected result: metric Total number of chats (Vestluste koguarv) should display the number of chats for the selected period (for both BYK and CSA conversations). Actual result: for selections 'today' and 'yesterday' the graphs are empty, although the chat history shows that there have been chats both with BYK only and with the advisor. Selecting the last 30 days, the graph displays yesterday's conversations, but only those that have taken place with BYK. The history shows that for 6 conversations, CSA has taken over the conversation. Today's chats are also not shown on the 30-day chart, although the history shows that there have been at least 11 (ended) chats.

Screenshot from chat history https://admin.dev.buerokratt.ee/chat/chat/history?page=2 Image

Screenshots from analytics module: Image Image

PaulaMerle commented 1 year ago

BUG - Tested at https://admin.dev.buerokratt.ee/analytics/chats with screen size 2018 x 1003, zoom 100%. From time to time there are situations when the entire content of the page does not fit on the screen. The lower part of the graph remains off the screen. It is expected that the page follows responsive design and the user doesn't need to scroll the page to see the whole content. Image

PaulaMerle commented 1 year ago

BUG - Tested at https://admin.dev.buerokratt.ee/analytics/chats Expected result - the 'last 30 days' graph should display conversations for the last day as well (today). Actual result - On the last day of the graph, i.e. today, no chats have been displayed, although according to the database, 14chats have taken place on this date (today) at the time of testing. Image Image

TESTED 12.09 - done for metrics Total Chats and Average number of messages in a chat. Not sure about Contacts provided. Information for the last day is missing in Average time of Chats and Average waiting time (separate BUG comment is created for that).

1AhmedYasser commented 1 year ago
1AhmedYasser commented 1 year ago

Enhanced Charts responsiveness, but it still depends on top metric options height as well, so in some cases it might still be pushed down if the top metric options has a lot of options available

PaulaMerle commented 1 year ago

BUG - tested 12.09 https://admin.dev.buerokratt.ee/analytics/chats For the Average time in Conversations metric, the data is not displayed in the Today and Yesterday time options. In the Last 30 days option, the last day's data is not displayed. If the selected month is an earlier month (August, July, etc.), the last day's data is also not shown. For example on 31.08 there were 5 chats, so average should be calculated.

PaulaMerle commented 1 year ago

BUG - tested 12.09 https://admin.dev.buerokratt.ee/analytics/chats For the Average Waiting Time metric, the data is not displayed in the period options Today and Yesterday. In the Last 30 days, the metric is calculated only for 3 days out of 30. Also only arithmetic average is calculated, median is always 0. Image

1AhmedYasser commented 1 year ago

@PaulaMerle We need to discuss the latest PR when your review it before the merge