Open rasmusei opened 2 years ago
Found an unexpected behaviour in conditional jump in YAML-based Ruuter.
Example yml to reproduce (based on README example):
- condition: ${incoming.body.dayOfTheWeek === "Friday"}
next: friday
- condition: ${incoming.body.dayOfTheWeek === "Saturday" || incoming.body.dayOfTheWeek === "Sunday"}
next: weekend
next: workWeek
return: "It's Friday! Almost the weekend!"
next: end
return: "It's the weekend!"
next: end
return: "It's the work week."
first query:
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9091/bug' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"dayOfTheWeek": "Monday"
first response:
"response": "It's the work week."
second query:
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9091/bug' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"dayOfTheWeek": "Sunday"
second response:
"response": "It's the weekend!"
third query:
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9091/bug' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"dayOfTheWeek": "Monday"
third response (incorrect):
"response": "It's the weekend!"
@turnerrainer ☝ is related to #26 and other issues since currently conditional jumps are used to validate user roles and input.
@janaliiv continue using current functionalities of Ruuter, including the ones you outlined in your previous comments.
This is a serious security bug and will be fixed outside of this project. Thank you very much for bringing this up.
Ruuter 2.0 will be pentested in February 2023, until then, expect it to be vulnerable.
Add activate/deactivate button in addition to period selection. When emergency notice period is still active, user can use deactivation button to end the emergency notice before the time given in the period section. User can use both activate/deactivate button or time period to display the emergency notice
Added the following Ruuter endpoints:
Public Ruuter: GET /cs-get-emergency-notice
Private Ruuter: GET /cs-get-emergency-notice POST /cs-set-emergency-notice
example query (replace URL and customJwtCookie with appropriate values if needed):
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9091/cs-set-emergency-notice' \
--header 'Cookie: customJwtCookie=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIiLCJmaXJzdE5hbWUiOiJtYXJ5IiwibGFzdE5hbWUiOiJtYXJ5IiwiaWRDb2RlIjoiRUU2MDAwMTAxOTkwNiIsImRpc3BsYXlOYW1lIjoibWFyeSIsImlzcyI6ImJ5ay5idWVyb2tyYXR0LmVlIiwiZXhwIjoxNjcwNDIzNTE2LCJsb2dpbiI6Im1hcnkiLCJpYXQiOjE2NzA0MTYzMTYsImp0aSI6IjUzZmViM2I0LWM0NTgtNGZiOC1hMmEyLTA2NzU0ZGQzYWNkZSIsImF1dGhvcml0aWVzIjpbIlJPTEVfQURNSU5JU1RSQVRPUiJdfQ.lmod2v_UmMmCxjx-Qjsv35OgwdAMWKha-cM_tejP4O5qFrMLoahUrnWxjk4rBzyI9y_4VegfPbC8nMg82QhDcGyH78N5gz2T_zatdYJZ0Ium_qD8QSyMDic2W38a0kW3Ksb4M_wiiaNSfk3vh829dvpcal0f6u2VI5Zb7iRbp3SVKkRKuhQssvQ42cyvNcw9fE8avDAwet1gBD7Ag82faHdHzWt1esDHC5aVDrUoofuAnNjACMMP3ZYLaPFOyu_hwTUHCQzDu1JUyoSzU5RmnQdFlkB0yGAyQ5dG1MYLuHDXiWlnR0cZ8huEpcIOyAPX1rAhbMQgmJQCcrgX4M8XAg' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"emergencyNoticeText": "Example emergency notice",
"emergencyNoticeStartISO": "01-17-2023",
"emergencyNoticeEndISO": "01-18-2023",
"isEmergencyNoticeVisible": false
BUG - right now I can as Administrator set display period for the emergency notice with start and end period date. But also it should be opportunity to set start and end time.
BUG - right now I can as Administrator set display period for the emergency notice with start and end period date. But also it should be opportunity to set start and end time.
I'd say it's not a bug but a feature request. @rasmusei, @PaulaMerle ?
AS AN Administrator I WANT TO be able to set emergency notice to chatbot widget SO THAT I can notify End Users about important extraordinary situations
Acceptance Criteria
Administrative view
End User's view