buerokratt / Service-Module

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[BUG] There is an alert that buerokratt can't connect to the endpoint although the endpoint works #274

Open ValterAro opened 4 months ago

ValterAro commented 4 months ago

Short summary: When creating a service and adding a custom endpoint then after pressing the "Test url" button there is an alert that says that the system failed to connect to the endpoint even though the endpoint can be easily reached through the browser. Additional info: tested various endpoints such as : https://api.api-ninjas.com/v1/randomword https://dashboard.elering.ee/api/nps/price/EE/current https://www.randomnumberapi.com/api/v1.0/random?min=100&max=1000&count=5



The request goes through in the browser and works. Image

When checking the request in the service flow creation, using the endpoint element and see the json request it all looks correct. Image

But the automatic test still shows an "!" here showing a problem. Image

1AhmedYasser commented 3 months ago

Working on local, need to be checked on test

ValterAro commented 1 month ago

Will mark this as blocked since in the test environment I get the userinfo error. pic:
