buerokratt / Training-Module

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REST service to update an existing Rasa story #115

Open turnerrainer opened 1 year ago

turnerrainer commented 1 year ago

AS AN Architect I WANT to have a REST service to update an existing Rasa story SO THAT there wouldn't be duplicate services for it

Acceptance Criteria

RaulAltmae commented 1 year ago

sample input for /rasa/stories/update

  "story": "tervitamine",
  "steps": [
      "intent": "greeing_ee"
      "intent": "greeing_en"
      "action": "utter_laters"
turnerrainer commented 1 year ago

@RaulAltmae please link this issue with an appropriate pull request.

RaulAltmae commented 1 year ago

Pull request https://github.com/buerokratt/Training-Module/pull/160

ffrose commented 7 months ago

BUG - Unable to update existing Rasa storys, says it's updated yet nothing changes.

ValterAro commented 5 months ago

Short summary: When editing a service then pressing the save button, then checking this story again the changes have not been saved. Expected result: when saving the changes to the story then they are persistent after checking the edit again. Real result: the changes are discarded and the previous state is restored. How to reproduce: login and go to https://admin.dev.buerokratt.ee/training/training/stories and try to edit a story. Then after saving, check again for the changes. Pic:


ffrose commented 5 months ago

BUG - when trying to update existing story, it gives Error status code 406



KasparMinn commented 5 months ago

Fixes PR: https://github.com/buerokratt/Training-Module/pull/383

Kristjan259 commented 4 months ago

When I try to update an existing story it will give me an 409 error.


KasparMinn commented 4 months ago

PR to fix above: https://github.com/buerokratt/Training-Module/pull/405

Kristjan259 commented 4 months ago

Whenever you change something inside a Rasa Story and press "Save" it give you 409 error code


turnerrainer commented 4 months ago

According to @KasparMinn this task was previously moved to "ATR" due to deployment errors. No development done or needed.

Kristjan259 commented 4 months ago

Gives an error code of 300 when I make changes to an existing Rasa story


KlviG commented 3 months ago

From terminal it seems, DSL fails with a step: Error executing DSL: rasa/stories/update Caused by: ee.buerokratt.ruuter.service.exception.StepExecutionException: Error executing: deleteStory Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null