buerokratt / Training-Module

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Training and testing Rasa NLU models #3

Open vmugra opened 2 years ago

vmugra commented 2 years ago

AS A Service Manager I WANT TO train and test Rasa NLU models created via Training Module SO THAT I could find errors if they exist and be confident that only valid models will move on to production

Acceptance Criteria

The scope of this task is to remotely initiate Rasa terminal commands - spike, @turnerrainer

Rasa tests run as terminal commands are applied to

If training has bee executed, rasa train and rasa test command lines will be started!



turnerrainer commented 1 year ago
  1. Provide Rasa testing results (PDF, images) via GUI;
  2. Launch Rasa train via GUI (manually + pre-defined timeslots);
  3. Rasa must provide information about whether Rasa is currently in progress of training or not (DSL provides and endpoint for this).
janyprus commented 1 year ago

sample input for /rasa/training/command

    "command": "rasa test --cross-validation --folds 8 --out results/model/cross"

Pull request #199