buerokratt / Training-Module

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Integration layer to use NLP intents as triggers to initiate Services #397

Open turnerrainer opened 6 months ago

turnerrainer commented 6 months ago

Linked to https://github.com/buerokratt/Training-Module/issues/362

AS A Customer Support Agent (CSA) I WANT TO define intents in Training Module that would trigger specified Services SO THAT I could automate same type of responses that would otherwise require repetitive manual interaction

AS A Service Manager I WANT TO trigger specific Services when appropriate intents are detected SO THAT I could provide e-Services to End Clients based on their NL input

AS A Product Owner I WANT TO be confident that using intents as triggers to initiate Services would follow a certain protocol SO THAT this wouldn't be done too easily and change too often based on how different CSA's see fit at any given time

Acceptance Criteria





1AhmedYasser commented 4 months ago

@turnerrainer @bartekpospiech @ExiRain

The Third Prerequisite is now fulfilled on the test environment side, please contact me for databases details

1AhmedYasser commented 4 months ago

@turnerrainer @ExiRain we to change the following menu path to point to a new page on service and training modules

Related to this ac Ruuter DSL for Backoffice to confirm changes proposed regarding linking intents and Services

PaulaMerle commented 3 months ago

Clarification: The service manager role automatically has access to the Training module, but the bot trainer role does not have access to the Service module. Hence additional role check (and approval request) has to be performed if intent connection to service is initiated from the Training module side.