Open Kristjan259 opened 5 months ago
BUG: When we have an intent where there are few examples:
And add a longer one and press lisa then all of the examples seem to disappear:
Expected result - When a new example is added then it should always be displayed on the table with other examples.
Example box is now a one liner so it is not possible to new lines, but when an intent example is pasted from clipboard and contains either a \t (tab/indent) or a \n (newline/line break) character, it breaks the rasa syntax and all previous examples disappear.
when adding new intent examples it should prevent users from inserting following specific symbols: \ " # [ {
when adding new intent examples it should prevent users from inserting following specific symbols:
\ " # [ {
Problem still remains.
@ffrose @jaX10bt Please add the updated bug information related to the GUI issues, as discussed in a call
/training/training/intents not displaying correct intents, intent examples count and intent examples.
Screenshots of logs when adding an intent example that contains double quotes (")
Router log:
Training module pipeline log:
Data mapper log:
The issue is with datamapper in get_intent_file.handlebars (Training-Module), escapes single quotes with {{{ }}}, but not double quotes. Hopefully won't be an issue if adding entities in examples?
dmapper | Request: {method: POST, url: /file-manager/merge, params: {}, query: {}, body: {"array1":["jutu \"märgid\""],"array2":[]}
dmapper | Response: {statusCode: 200, responseData: {"error":false,"message":"Merged Successfully","array":["jutu \"märgid\""]}}
ruuter | 2024-08-21 09:37:01.704Z INFO [,] --- [io-8080-exec-10] e.b.ruuter.domain.steps.http.HttpStep : [] http://dmapper:3000/file-manager/merge {array1=${newExamples}, array2=${examplesToWriteIntoYml}} {
ruuter | "error" : false,
ruuter | "message" : "Merged Successfully",
ruuter | "array" : [ "jutu \"märgid\"" ]
ruuter | } 200 8 Executed: mergeExamples
dmapper | Request: {method: POST, url: /hbs/training/get_intent_file, params: {}, query: {}, body: {"intent":"123123_89","examples":["jutu \"märgid\""]}
dmapper | err: SyntaxError: Expected ',' or '}' after property value in JSON at position 58
dmapper | at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
dmapper | at file:///workspace/app/server.js:133:23
dmapper | at ExpressHandlebars.<anonymous> (/workspace/app/node_modules/express-handlebars/dist/express-handlebars.js:301:25)
dmapper | at step (/workspace/app/node_modules/express-handlebars/dist/express-handlebars.js:49:23)
dmapper | at (/workspace/app/node_modules/express-handlebars/dist/express-handlebars.js:30:53)
dmapper | at fulfilled (/workspace/app/node_modules/express-handlebars/dist/express-handlebars.js:21:58)
dmapper | Response: {statusCode: 200, responseData: {"error":"There was an error executing /workspace/app/views/training/get_intent_file.handlebars"}}
Thanks for input, @jaX10bt and @joonasroosalung , @RayDNoper will take over.
Examples under intents go missing when adding another example.
Screencapture to illustrate the issue: Screencast from 14.06.2024 11:01:31.webm
Expected result - When a new example is added then it should always be displayed on the table with other examples.