Open vmugra opened 1 year ago
@ceirowe added suggestions!
@vmugra Added tooltip for f1 score table header + modified translations. @turnerrainer should the table row color indicators be calculated in frontend or backend?
@turnerrainer please see comment!
Prototype views:
GUI could be marked done based on prototype, @turnerrainer "should the table row color indicators be calculated in frontend or backend?"
GUI could be marked done based on prototype, @turnerrainer "should the table row color indicators be calculated in frontend or backend?"
Definitely in frontend.
Marked done based on prototype!
Acceptance Criterias:
GREEN: Else!
Näidete arv madal!
Keskmisest kõrgem näidete arv!
Teema tuvastamise täpsus keskmine
Näidete arv liiga madal!
Keskmisest oluliselt kõrgem näidete arv!
Teema tuvastamise täpsus nõrk!
tooltips and translations: F1 -> ee =
-> tooltip:Täpsuse ja saagise harmooniline keskmine
(the harmonic mean of precision and recall) Recall -> ee =Saagis
Precision -> ee =Täpsus
Examples -> ee =Näidete arv teemas