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Mixing public API definitions into private module with Go module references to the external Go module #1119

Closed jon-whit closed 2 years ago

jon-whit commented 2 years ago

I have two different buf modules (one private and one public). The private module acts as a proxy to the public module . The private module defines the same RPC API surface as the public one. I'm using managed mode, and I want the Go protobuf generated sources (including the grpc-gateway and other plugins) to reference the Go module for the publicly generated sources instead of using the go_package_prefix default for the public (external) Go module import. I'm having issues getting buf to do this for me.

I've read the following resources to try and get more knowledge:

This sounds like what I'm trying to do as well, but I'm struggling to get it to work.

Sample code:

// module: buf.build/myorg/publicapi
// file: echo/v1/echo_service.proto

syntax = "proto3";

package echo.v1;

service EchoService {
    rpc Echo(EchoRequest) returns (EchoResponse)

message EchoRequest {...}
messge EchoResponse {...}
// module: buf.build/myorg/privateapi
// file: privateecho/v1/privateecho_service.proto
syntax = "proto3";

package echo.v1;

import "echo/v1/echo_service.proto" // comes from myorg/publicapi

service PrivateEchoService {
    rpc Echo(echo.v1.EchoRequest) returns (echo.v1.EchoResponse)

I have a buf.yaml and buf.gen.yaml for the private module that looks like this:

# buf.yaml
version: v1
  - buf.build/myorg/publicapi
# buf.gen.yaml
version: v1
  enabled: true
    default: github.com/myorg/privateapi/proto
      echo/v1/echo_service.proto: "go.buf.build/myorg/go/myorg/publicapi/echo/v1"
  - remote: buf.build/protocolbuffers/plugins/go:v1.27.1-1
    out: proto/
      - paths=source_relative
  - remote: buf.build/grpc/plugins/go:v1.1.0-1
    out: proto/
      - paths=source_relative
  - remote: buf.build/grpc-ecosystem/plugins/grpc-gateway:v2.8.0-1
    out: proto/
      - paths=source_relative
      - logtostderr=true
  - remote: buf.build/grpc-ecosystem/plugins/openapiv2:v2.10.0-1
    out: docs/openapiv2
      - openapi_naming_strategy=simple

If I buf generate with the configurations above, then I get code generated from the grpc-gateway plugin that looks like this:

// Code generated by protoc-gen-grpc-gateway. DO NOT EDIT.
// source: privateecho/v1/privateecho_service.proto

Package service is a reverse proxy.

It translates gRPC into RESTful JSON APIs.
package privateechov1

import (

    "go.buf.build/myorg/go/myorg/publicapi/echo/v1" // missing the import prefix echov1


... // omitting other details here
    var protoReq v1.EchoRequest // uses `v1` import prefix but it should be `echov1`, so this throws a compiler error.

What's the proper way to mix private and public modules like this in a way that works with this usage pattern? I want my private generated Go sources to references the publicly hosted Go module (from the Buf Registry).

amckinney commented 2 years ago

I think you just need to add the ;echov1 element to the end of your GO_PACKAGE override.

  enabled: true
    default: github.com/myorg/privateapi/proto
      echo/v1/echo_service.proto: "go.buf.build/myorg/go/myorg/publicapi/echo/v1;echov1"

This follows the implementation that we have internally for composing the go_package value (link). This is discussed in the Protobuf documentation, too (link).

I'll close this, but please feel free to re-open if that doesn't actually solve your issue!