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buf.yaml v2 nested path modules don't work #3129

Closed ahmednfwela closed 2 days ago

ahmednfwela commented 3 days ago

GitHub Repository



buf lint


nested-dep\m1\sample\v1\service.proto:3:1:Files with package "sample.v1" must be within a directory "sample\v1" relative to root but were in directory "m1\sample\v1".
nested-dep\m1\sample\v1\service.proto:3:1:Multiple directories "m1/sample/v1,m2/sample/v1" contain files with package "sample.v1".
nested-dep\m2\sample\v1\service.proto:3:1:Files with package "sample.v1" must be within a directory "sample\v1" relative to root but were in directory "m2\sample\v1".
nested-dep\m2\sample\v1\service.proto:3:1:Multiple directories "m1/sample/v1,m2/sample/v1" contain files with package "sample.v1".

Expected Output

should work

Anything else?

buf version: 1.34.0

doriable commented 3 days ago

So the lint rules being triggered here are:

These lint rules are being correctly triggered when your buf.yaml defines nested-dep as one of the modules, because the module root is at the root of the nested-dep directory, and your files for package sample.v1 are at the paths m1/sample/v1 and m2/sample/v1. So these file paths do not match the package name, sample.v1, and the same package name is used across different paths.

When you changed your buf.yaml to define two modules, one with the module root m1 and one with the module root m2, then your paths for your package sample.v1 will be at sample/v1 for each module, and not dispersed across multiple paths.

Could you clarify what you mean by "should work"?

ahmednfwela commented 3 days ago

the lints are a side effect of another problem, which is that buf cli considers a single root buf.yaml only, if a module references another buf.yaml file, the scope is not changed for the files in that inner module

bufdev commented 2 days ago

You can't have nested modules - that's not a feature of Buf. You can't have a buf.yaml point to a buf.yaml. This is working as intended. Can you clarify what you're trying to do here?

bufdev commented 2 days ago

Closing for now as there is no bug - the commented out "works" section in your example is the correct way to do what you want. There is no capability to have a buf.yaml point at another buf.yaml (and there never has been). Let us know if you have other questions!

ahmednfwela commented 2 days ago

@bufdev my main use-case is depending on another buf module that's located in a git repository, but not in the BSR.

but since the deps section only accepts BSR urls, I thought with the v2 buf.yaml, it's now a supported case to clone the git repo as a submodule, and then add it to the new modules section.

bufdev commented 2 days ago

Can you point us to the docs that led you to this conclusion? We would appreciate it.

ahmednfwela commented 2 days ago

The modules section, specifically:

Any dependencies that the files have on each other are automatically taken into account when building and shouldn't be declared in the deps section.

And in the following path section:

which must be defined relative to the workspace root (the directory that contains the buf.yaml file)

This lead me to believe that there is a possibility to nest buf.yaml files, and each would be considered a "root" in its own folder