Open bleleve opened 3 years ago
I've been looking for something like this too. @bleleve Did you work out a way around this in the absence of variables?
Note that you can specify your generation configuration as a yaml or JSON literal:
$ buf generate --template "{\"version\": \"v1\",\"plugins\": [{\"name\": \"grpc-gateway\",\"out\": \"gen/go\",\"opt\": [\"paths=source_relative\",\"logtostderr=true\",\"allow_repeated_fields=true\",\"grpc_api_configuration=${BUFGEN_PROTO_PATH}/${BUFGEN_PROTO_BASENAME}_http.yaml\"]}]}"
This might do what you want?
Thanks. That's an interesting idea but I'm not sure it really helps me. I've gone back to just calling protoc from a Makefile on this project since it's quite a simple one anyway.
Hi @flyte and sorry for the delay, I did not see your question! 8 months to respond... that's my record...
While waiting to be able to do otherwise, I use buf to generate everything except the gateway part. In my Makefile buf is followed by a direct call to protoc.
generate: generate-buf generate-gateway
@echo "Generating stubs and swagger with Buf"
@PATH=${PATH} buf generate
# Manually generate gRPC gateway - Waiting for
@for DIR in $(shell find ${WORKDIR}/proto -name '*.proto' -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 dirname | xargs realpath | sort | uniq) ; do \
for FILE in $${DIR}/*.proto ; do \
CFG=$${DIR}/$$(basename -s .proto $${FILE})_config_http.yaml ; \
if [ -f $${CFG} ]; then \
PATH=${PATH} protoc -I${WORKDIR}/proto --grpc-gateway_out=paths=source_relative,logtostderr=true,grpc_api_configuration=$${CFG},generate_unbound_methods=true:${WORKDIR}/gen/go $${FILE}; \
fi \
done \
Note that you can specify your generation configuration as a yaml or JSON literal:
$ buf generate --template "{\"version\": \"v1\",\"plugins\": [{\"name\": \"grpc-gateway\",\"out\": \"gen/go\",\"opt\": [\"paths=source_relative\",\"logtostderr=true\",\"allow_repeated_fields=true\",\"grpc_api_configuration=${BUFGEN_PROTO_PATH}/${BUFGEN_PROTO_BASENAME}_http.yaml\"]}]}"
This might do what you want?
I tried this approach on a new project (with remote plugins) but it is not working, buf gives me an error saying that it can't access the YAML file.
If anyone has an idea I'm a interested ;)
buf generate --template "{\"version\":\"v1\",\"managed\":{\"enabled\":true,\"go_package_prefix\":{\"default\":\"\"}},\"plugins\":[{\"plugin\":\"\",\"out\":\"gen/go\",\"opt\":[\"paths=source_relative,logtostderr=true,grpc_api_configura
Error :
Failure: plugin "" failed: failed to read gRPC API Configuration description from "/path/to/the/file/xxx_config_http.yaml": open /path/to/the/file/xxx_config_http.yaml: no such file or directory
Thank you !
Unfortunately, plugins that rely on local filesystem access do not work as remote plugins - we require everything to support the contract specified here:
So the only option at the moment is to run plugins that require filesystem access as local plugins.
As @mfridman mentioned, we don't support plugins that rely on local filesystem access - in fact, these aren't actually spec-compliant protoc plugins to begin with! The plugin interface is to send CodeGeneratorRequests
to stdin, and CodeGeneratorResponses
to stdout - any access outside of this is breaking the protoc plugin contract itself.
But specifically on environment variable support in buf.gen.yaml
- that seems like an interesting idea, but I'd want to hear other use cases as I'm not sold. Feel free to chime in!
Hello everyone,
Unless I'm mistaken, there is no placeholder to identify the proto file (and its path) being processed during generation.
I use buf to generate the grpc-gateway part. For greater clarity I do not integrate the HTTP rules in the proto but in a separate YAML file (example.proto and _examplehttp.yaml).
It would be interesting to have access to placeholders in the buf.gen.yaml allowing to update an option depending on the proto basename and path:
Take care of yourself.