I can see that the failure counts for my API usage on wunderground is also increasing:
I have also noticed a few 404s being presented while running and browsing to the application:
netadm@plutus:/opt/weatherscan/webroot/js$ npm start
> start
> npm-run-all --parallel cors dev-server
> cors
> node ./webroot/js/cors.js
> dev-server
> live-server ./webroot
Running CORS Anywhere on
Serving "./webroot" at
Ready for changes
GET /js/secrets.js 404 6.342 ms - 152
GET /images/icons/24.png 404 0.836 ms - 158
GET /images/icons/28.png 404 0.495 ms - 158
GET /images/icons/30.png 404 0.425 ms - 158
GET /fonts/newfonts/Frutiger.woff 404 0.652 ms - 167
GET /js/secrets.js 404 0.543 ms - 152
GET /images/icons/24.png 404 1.221 ms - 158
GET /images/icons/30.png 404 1.110 ms - 158
GET /images/icons/28.png 404 1.387 ms - 158
GET /fonts/newfonts/Frutiger_Bold.woff 404 2.170 ms - 172
Can anyone tell me what it is that I am doing wrong?
I absolutely apologize for being a n00b here. I am using Debian 11.5 with node 18.12.0 (which is supposed to be the current LTS)
The issue is that every time I attempt to get thing running, I continue to get a 'no report' or 'temporarily unavailable' message.
I have of course ensured that I have my weather.com and mapbox.com api key added to the config.js. I have verified that the API key is working:
I can see that the failure counts for my API usage on wunderground is also increasing:
I have also noticed a few 404s being presented while running and browsing to the application:
Can anyone tell me what it is that I am doing wrong?