bufferapp / buffer-chrome

Buffer for Chrome lets you easily add great articles, pictures and videos to your Buffer and we automagically share them for you through the day!
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Listen for nopin attribute #19

Open JohnONolan opened 9 years ago

JohnONolan commented 9 years ago

Hey guys, just a thought: It would be incredibly handy if the buffer extension would respect the "nopin" attribute when applying its "share image" overlay: https://help.pinterest.com/en/articles/prevent-pinning-your-site

Context: While the chrome-settings flag determines whether or not a Buffer-user wants to use the share feature -- This feature provides control to the web developer to determine which images should (and should not) be shared from their site.

Eg. In the Ghost admin area, we have an image uploader for your blog cover image:


Here I've just finished uploading a new cover image for my blog. Now, because this is an admin area of a web-app, it makes no sense for social sharing to occur here. In fact the hover buttons usually get away and interfere with the app UI. So in the source of Ghost admin I've set <meta name="pinterest" content="nopin" /> -- as you can see, the pinterest button does not appear.

This is good because as a Buffer and a Pinterest user I want the feature enabled on all sites I visit, but I also want it disabled in this specific context where it doesn't make sense.

It would be possible to add a nobuffer attribute that does the same thing, but I think it might be simpler just to have the Buffer extension listen for the nopin attribute -- making the relatively safe assumption that if a developer has already disabled the Pinterest hover button, they'll probably want to disable the buffer one too.

Is this something you would consider?

nieldlr commented 9 years ago

Hi @JohnONolan,

thanks for sharing this great suggestion! My initial hunch is that this is a great improvement. Really great idea! I'll chat with the team and get back to you on this one. :)

Stay tuned.

unicolored commented 9 years ago

Hi @nieldlr,

Any news about this nopin attribute ?