buger / goreplay

GoReplay is an open-source tool for capturing and replaying live HTTP traffic into a test environment in order to continuously test your system with real data. It can be used to increase confidence in code deployments, configuration changes and infrastructure changes.
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out of order timestamp error happened... #1128

Open y-koyamatsu opened 1 year ago

y-koyamatsu commented 1 year ago

I excuted /usr/local/bin/gor --output-http-track-response --input-file "202209221643. --output-result.log --stats --input-file-dry-run --input-file-max-wait 0.01s.

Output like below

2022/09/22 07:43:31 [PPID 1264 and PID 34277] Version:1.3.0
[DEBUG][elapsed 33.35062ms]: [INPUT-FILE] FileInput: end of file '/mnt/share/work/suehiro/202209221643.gz'

Records found: 2797
Malformed records: <nil>
Files processed: 1
Bytes processed: 1020423
Max wait: 10ms
Min wait: 10ms
First wait: 599.035575ms
It will take `1.14s` to replay at current speed.
Found 2682 records with out of order timestamp

I would like to know two things. ・What does out of order timestamp means? ・Why is out of order timestamp shown?

202209221643.gz ↑ This is input-file I set.