buggedcom / phpvideotoolkit-v2

PHP Video Toolkit version 2 helps take the voodoo out of ffmpeg and provides a convenient object oriented wrapper around the ffmpeg programme.
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Phpvideotoolkit - "maxlen '=>' 3072 ' in buggedcom \ phpvideotoolkit \ src \ PHPVideoToolkit \ Mime.php line 202" #54

Closed xcollado closed 9 years ago

xcollado commented 9 years ago

Hello, I'm trying to integrate PHPVideoToolKit in Symfony2, to generate prviews some videos.

Running directly from PHP I have no problem and works properly, but when in full in Symfony2, I stuck when he tells me that you can not convert a file larger than 3072.

"maxlen '=>' 3072 ')) in C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ www \ VideoLab \ vendor \ buggedcom \ phpvideotoolkit \ src \ PHPVideoToolkit \ Mime.php line 202"

I added the Symfony library by: "require": { "ffmpeg-php / php-ffmpeg" "dev-master" "pulse00 / ffmpeg-bundle": "dev-master" "buggedcom / phpvideotoolkit" "dev-master"

and I installed all the libraries correctly in the Vendors.

Not if you've encountered the problem and have a possible solution.



Than You very much Xavier Collado

buggedcom commented 9 years ago

I believe this comes down to an error in the way XAMP is handling the mime reading and the mime_content_type drop in replacement function that is used in Mime.php. The quickest solution would be to ensure that your php install has access to finfo_buffer by having the finfo module installed http://php.net/manual/en/fileinfo.installation.php either through the default build if 5.3+ or if below then through pecl. http://pecl.php.net/package/Fileinfo.

Or you can ensure that your system has a mime_magic.magicfile (or similar) file that the Mime.php (lines #83-85) can use. Alternatively if XAMPP uses a different file let me know it and I will add it in.

xcollado commented 9 years ago


I have enabled php_fileinfo.dll in config.ini XAMPP and everything worked perfectly.

Thank you very much for everything Xavier Collado