Closed oracle1wr closed 1 year ago
Hello! I just downloaded the 0.9.187 version and compiled it without any problems. Can you please add more info, e.g. the operating system you're using, and the sample code you're trying to compile?
sure, I'm on Ubuntu 18.04 the code is from samples:
module app;
import dlangui;
import core.time;
import core.thread;
import bridge;
extern (C) int UIAppMain(string[] args) {
auto m = new _init;
Window window = Platform.instance.createWindow("DlangUI example - HelloWorld", null);
VerticalLayout panel = new VerticalLayout();
auto button1 = new Button().text("Hello, world!"d).margins(Rect(100,100,100,100));
bool handle(Widget src){
window.showMessageBox(UIString.fromRaw("Обработчик onClick"d), UIString.fromRaw("Вызван\ndelegate"d));
return true;
window.mainWidget = (panel);;
return Platform.instance.enterMessageLoop();
It works with dlangui 0.9.186.
This works fine on my Windows box.
I think this is caused by an outdated compiler. isClose
was introduced in dmd 2.091.0:
Can you upgrade your compiler in any way?
I tagged that dlangui needs dmd 2.100 anyway. If a specific older version of D is needed, please open another issue.
Hello I'm trying to build a simple example, but having difficulties to compile/run the app. Is this something obvious?
DMD64 D Compiler v2.090.1 dlangui 0.9.187
.dub/packages/dlangui-0.9.187/dlangui/src/dlangui/widgets/charts.d(387,13): Error: undefined identifier isClose .dub/packages/dlangui-0.9.187/dlangui/src/dlangui/widgets/charts.d(403,13): Error: undefined identifier isClose .dub/packages/dlangui-0.9.187/dlangui/src/dlangui/widgets/charts.d(467,13): Error: undefined identifier isClose