buggins / dlangui

Cross Platform GUI for D programming language
Boost Software License 1.0
805 stars 120 forks source link

Is this expected or not? #677

Open Imperatorn opened 10 months ago

Imperatorn commented 10 months ago

From a user in the forums

I know how to change the current AppFrame:

window.mainWidget = myFrame;

But how do I exit this frame?

I press the button, change to new frame, do the work, and now I want to return to the previous frame. How would I do this?

It crashes if I reset it to the previous one.

button.click = delegate(Widget src) {
    // window.mainWidget = homeLayout.child(0);
    window.mainWidget = myPreviousFrame;
    return true;

// crash
rillki commented 10 months ago

Here is the full code:

import dlangui;
import std;


/// entry point for dlangui based application
extern (C) int UIAppMain(string[] args) {
    // create window
    Window window = Platform.instance.createWindow("DlangUI example - HelloWorld", null);

    // frames
    auto frame1 = new AppFrame();
    auto frame2 = new AppFrame();

    /****** FRAME 1 ********/
    auto frame1_button1 = new Button(null, "Press me"d);
    auto frame1_button2 = new Button(null, "Remove me"d);
    auto frame1_button3 = new Button(null, "new window frame"d);
        new HorizontalLayout().addChildren([
            new TextWidget(null, "1 text item"d),
            new TextWidget(null, "2 text item"d),
            new TextWidget(null, "3 text item"d)
        new TextWidget(null, "4 text item"d),
        new TextWidget(null, "5 text item"d),
        new TextWidget(null, "6 text item"d),
    frame1_button1.click = delegate(Widget src) {
        frame1.addChild(new TextWidget(null, "hello, world! "d ~ frame1.childCount.to!dstring));
        return true;
    frame1_button2.click = delegate(Widget src) {
        return true;
    frame1_button3.click = delegate(Widget src) {
        window.executeInUiThread(() => window.mainWidget = frame2);
        return true;

    /****** FRAME 2 ********/
    auto frame2_button1 = new Button(null, "Take me back"d);
        new TextWidget(null, "4 text item"d),
        new TextWidget(null, "5 text item"d),
    frame2_button1.click = delegate(Widget src) {
        window.executeInUiThread(() => window.mainWidget = frame1);
        return true;

    // start with frame 1
    window.executeInUiThread(() => window.mainWidget = frame1);

    // show window

    // run message loop
    return Platform.instance.enterMessageLoop();
GrimMaple commented 10 months ago

Thanks, I'll take a look when I get time!

GrimMaple commented 10 months ago

Here is the full code:

So the reason why this happens is:

    @property void mainWidget(Widget widget)
        mainWidgetChange(this, _mainWidget, widget);
        if (_mainWidget !is null)
            _mainWidget.window = null;
            destroy(_mainWidget); // This line
        _mainWidget = widget;
        if (_mainWidget !is null)
            _mainWidget.window = this;

When you change the widget, the "source" widget gets destroyed, so when you attempt to set it the second time it errors out. I cannot simply remove this behavior as it will break other parts of dlangui. For now, the workaround would be creating the frame from scratch.