buggregator / frontend

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Error throws when email with empty "To" field #152

Closed vjik closed 1 month ago

vjik commented 1 month ago

Nothing happens when click on email in buggregator and subject don't display:


BQ5gZ3BJ.js:14 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'email')
    at BRn73VP3.js:2:24328
    at Object.r [as default] (BQ5gZ3BJ.js:14:3047)
    at Proxy.<anonymous> (BQ5gZ3BJ.js:22:15520)
    at ws (BQ5gZ3BJ.js:14:3357)
    at To.q [as fn] (BQ5gZ3BJ.js:14:37966)
    at To.run (BQ5gZ3BJ.js:10:1517)
    at F.p.update (BQ5gZ3BJ.js:14:38249)
    at F (BQ5gZ3BJ.js:14:38276)
    at se (BQ5gZ3BJ.js:14:36991)
    at Z (BQ5gZ3BJ.js:14:36788)
butschster commented 1 month ago

Thx for a bug

Kreezag commented 1 month ago

Fixed and released with https://github.com/buggregator/frontend/releases/tag/1.17.1