bugmark / website

Static HTML for Bugmark.net
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LoFi Mockup #2

Closed andyl closed 6 years ago

andyl commented 6 years ago

Create a LoFi Mockup for the bugmark.net website. Post prototypes using Balsalmiq and InVision.

Start by:


snehasi commented 6 years ago

Here are few websites I liked: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tFOZwpfvT8Seo1dCK06U7-LG3C3nl1feTgvIEYZBAqs/edit?usp=sharing

The features I feel would be useful are:

Other backend features:

GeorgLink commented 6 years ago

Thank you @snehasi.

Regarding the features you suggest, I would group them as follows:

Most important for website

My own suggestions for the website

Least important for website

Part of Bugmark app, not website

dmarti commented 6 years ago

@GeorgLink The "refund" question is a good one. People will be interested in cashing out their successful investments and might look for "refund" -- especially a user who buys UNFIXED then makes a profit when the bug goes unfixed might be looking for "refund".

So I would add

snehasi commented 6 years ago

@GeorgLink @dmarti - Thanks for the feedback, working on it. For uploading mockups and wireframe, should I make a PR by making a fork of this repo or make a new branch in it?

andyl commented 6 years ago

Overall: I endorse the recommendations of @GeorgLink . The responsive requirement is very good. (Bootstrap4 handles this nicely). Let's start with something simple and fast, then we can add features over time.

@snehasi thanks for posting the spreadsheet please give write-access to me, @GeorgLink and @dmarti

All of you have write access to the website repo. Let's keep a master and dev branch. Anyone can merge WIP into dev, and Andy can merge dev into master. We deploy from master to github pages. (deploy tooling is currently defined as part of #3) For your personal WIP, make a branch dev_<yourname> (dev_andy, dev_sneha, etc.) them submit a PR to merge into dev.

Does that sound OK?

snehasi commented 6 years ago

@andyl - yeah this is fine.



GeorgLink commented 6 years ago

Thank you @snehasi

See comment on the pull request.

andyl commented 6 years ago
