bugmark / website

Static HTML for Bugmark.net
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Jekyll Proof of Concept #3

Closed andyl closed 6 years ago

andyl commented 6 years ago

Setup Jekyll tooling and live end-to-end demo with:

GeorgLink commented 6 years ago

Regarding "Deploy instructions" - we could evaluate using GitHub pages to host the static website, rather than run a separate server. Especially, since "deploy to GitHub pages" is already an item in this list.

andyl commented 6 years ago

Yes! My intention is for GitHub pages to be our primary deploy target.

cpswsg commented 6 years ago

Based on the specifications of this issue and the LoFi mockup #2 I thought on this structure:

├── .editorconfig
├── .gitignore
├── _config.yml
├── _data
│   ├── api.yml
│   ├── comparative.yml
│   └── testimonials.yml
├── _drafts
├── _includes
│   ├── footer.html
│   ├── head.html
│   └── navbar.html
├── _layouts
│   ├── default.html
│   ├── page.html
│   └── post.html
├── _posts
├── _sass
├── assets
│   ├── css
│   ├── fonts
│   ├── images
│   ├── js
│   └── vendor
│       └── bootstrap
├── docker-compose.yml
├── feed.xml
├── index.html
└── travis.yml


To avoid repetition in the templates and accepts .yml, .yaml, .json or .csv formats and extensions.

api.yml - (I need more info about it). testimonials.yml - for testimonials from developers, investors and project managers. comparative.yml - for comparison with other markets.

Posts and Drafts

Why not use the same structure to run the blog? As the intention is to use it only for infrequent updates and announcements, keep it in the same structure and if possible with the same visual identity of the site would be ideal. We can point the relative path as /blog in the same way as specified in issue #6. Also, if we implement alternative ways to make a post, it will not be problem for authors unfamiliar with the Jekyll.

_drafts - drafts for unpublished posts. _posts - blog posts. feed.xml - RSS for blog posts.

Docker Compose

For a quick and easy way to contribute with the repo using docker.

docker-compose.yml – with jekyll's official image optimized to work with gh-pages.


.editorconfig - helps developers define and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs. .gitignore - for intentionally untracked files. CONTRIBUTING.md - how to build and contribute with this repository. travis.yml - for test and deploy.

andyl commented 6 years ago

@cynthiapereira very nice. I'd like the repo to have a directory website/notes for developer documentation. Plz send a PR and push website/notes/jekyll_structure.md containing your comment above. Plz follow the branch and PR conventions outlined in #2. I gave you write permission to this repo, and will assign this issue to you when you sign in.

snehasi commented 6 years ago


andyl commented 6 years ago

Done - we're running Jekyll now...