bugsnag / bugsnag-android-gradle-plugin

Gradle plugin for BugSnag which uploads ProGuard, DexGuard and NDK mapping files, and sends build notifications
MIT License
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Populate task inputs for BugsnagUploadJsSourceMapTask #332

Closed fractalwrench closed 4 years ago

fractalwrench commented 4 years ago


Populates the task inputs for the BugsnagUploadJsSourceMapTask. This does not invoke the bugsnag-source-maps CLI tool yet so no source maps are generated, but the command line arguments supplied should now be in their final state.



Ran mazerunner scenario on RN 0.60 and 0.63, confirmed that the echo command is logged out for both fixtures:

[echo, --api-key, TEST_API_KEY, --app-version, 1.0, --app-version-code, 1, --dev, false, --platform, android, --source-map, /bugsnag-android-gradle-plugin/features/fixtures/rn060/android/app/build/generated/sourcemaps/react/release/index.android.bundle.map, --bundle, /bugsnag-android-gradle-plugin/features/fixtures/rn060/android/app/build/generated/assets/react/release/index.android.bundle, --overwrite, false, --endpoint, http://localhost:9339, --project-root, /bugsnag-android-gradle-plugin/features/fixtures/rn060]