Couldn't get this package to work with FreeBSD on arm64, and eventually figured out why.
Setting the Control flags with the baud rate seems to break things, specifically the word size. Removing that solved the issue.
The post-processing output flag is needed. Turning that flag off broke newline handling and control codes. In order to turn that on only for FreeBSD, a constant was added with set and clear values that can then be added in each os-specific file. I set the correct values for FreeBSD and then set zero values in the other UNIX os files. Hoping this should keep it working everywhere else (since I also tested on linux/arm64 and darwin/arm64 and it worked fine there).
-Confirmed setting baud rate and parity work correctly with the changes on FreeBSD/arm64.
Couldn't get this package to work with FreeBSD on arm64, and eventually figured out why.
-Confirmed setting baud rate and parity work correctly with the changes on FreeBSD/arm64.