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Crash when using ReactiveCocoa 2 #1

Closed IanLuo closed 9 years ago

IanLuo commented 9 years ago

If rac_signalForControlEvents is subscribed, when the action fires, app will crash

*\ -[RACDynamicSignal retain]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x7fa83572a700

0 0x0000000114ca141f in _forwarding_ ()

1 0x0000000114ca1098 in forwarding_prep0 ()

2 0x000000010fda21c1 in -[NSObject(BTGHelper) getVariableName:] at /Users/kaixin/Documents/Work/Bugtags/Code/Bugtags-iOS/Bugtags/Bugtags/Categories/NSObject+BTGHelper.m:37

3 0x000000010fd9553f in -[UIApplication(BTGMethodSwizzler) swizzleSendAction:to:from:forEvent:] at /Users/kaixin/Documents/Work/Bugtags/Code/Bugtags-iOS/Bugtags/Bugtags/Categories/UIApplication+BTGMethodSwizzler.m:117

4 0x00000001123e3bd9 in -[UIApplication sendAction:toTarget:fromSender:forEvent:]()

5 0x000000011253f82c in -[UIControl sendAction:to:forEvent:]()

6 0x000000011253fad2 in -[UIControl _sendActionsForEvents:withEvent:]()

7 0x000000011253ecb7 in -[UIControl touchesEnded:withEvent:]()

8 0x000000011286f062 in _UIGestureRecognizerUpdate ()

9 0x000000011244a75c in -[UIWindow _sendGesturesForEvent:]()

10 0x000000011244b84b in -[UIWindow sendEvent:]()

11 0x00000001123ffff6 in -[UIApplication sendEvent:]()

12 0x000000010fd94bde in -[UIApplication(BTGMethodSwizzler) swizzleSendEvent:] at /Users/kaixin/Documents/Work/Bugtags/Code/Bugtags-iOS/Bugtags/Bugtags/Categories/UIApplication+BTGMethodSwizzler.m:27

13 0x00000001123dd093 in _UIApplicationHandleEventQueue ()


15 0x0000000114c6c58c in __CFRunLoopDoSources0 ()

16 0x0000000114c6ba43 in __CFRunLoopRun ()

17 0x0000000114c6b458 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific ()

18 0x0000000117274bca in GSEventRunModal ()

19 0x00000001123e21c2 in UIApplicationMain ()

stephenzl commented 9 years ago

We have fixed this issue, we are going to have a new version this afternoon, about two hours later, please update then. thx.

stephenzl commented 9 years ago

have fixed at 1.0.7, please update.