bugthesystem / FireSharp

An asynchronous cross-platform .Net library for Firebase
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child_removed doesn't work almost a year, maybe even more #158

Open unknowndev00 opened 3 years ago

unknowndev00 commented 3 years ago

child_removed fires twice, actually three times, it fires at the same time when it item is added, and then twice when is deleted, super weird. I wonder why nobody mentions this....

await clientt.OnAsync("users", added: async (s, args, d) => { this.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate () { msgbox(args.Path); }); }, removed: async (s, args, d) => { this.BeginInvoke((Action)delegate () { msgbox(args.Path); }); });

removed event: fires at the same time with added, and then when it is removed it fires twice at the same time, super weird....