buguibu / ios-notes-issues-lessons

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SSL validations randomly fails over a specific mobile internet service providers #1

Open buguibu opened 5 years ago

buguibu commented 5 years ago

Working scenario

A pretty straightforward iOS 11 app that request contents to HTTPS servers using Alamofire 4.8.1 without NSAllowsArbitraryLoads enabled for security.

The app runs perfectly on Wifi and on Android works perfectly under any internet connection.

Failing scenario

The iOS app when used over mobile network of a specific IPS some request to a couple of servers fails, other doesn't.

Calling the server directly form Safari or an Postman like app fail.

The list of errors i'm getting:

What i have tried

Links i followed

buguibu commented 5 years ago

Looking for server side errors

As the netowrking code is pretty simple and no fancy feature or customization is done, and as it works perfectly on Wifi and over the rest of mobile internet providers i have to abandon the app code issue and explore server side problems.

SSL possible errors

As logs above says, there is a random issues that bugs the SSL certificate and makes the client to invalidate the request.

Bt why it only happens on cellular and only on a specific career?

Links i Followed

IPv6 possible errors

Links i've followed

buguibu commented 5 years ago

Looking for network erros

Try to use another network like 3G or 2G doen't work.