buhrmi / vue-pouch

Live and reactive PouchDB bindings for Vuejs
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Remote server usage #4

Open nueko opened 7 years ago

nueko commented 7 years ago

Hello, can you provide example with remote server, please.. following the example throws this error

Uncaught TypeError: defaultDB.signup is not a function
    at Object.createUser (eval at <anonymous> (app.js:1920), <anonymous>:58:21)
    at click (eval at 204 (0.1ec1d0a….js:28), <anonymous>:28:20)
    at HTMLButtonElement.invoker (eval at <anonymous> (app.js:863), <anonymous>:1734:18)
Vue.use(VuePouch, {
  pouch: Pouch,
  defaultDB: 'http://localhost:5984/boom',
  defaultUsername: 'super',
  defaultPassword: 'm45ter'
<div class="credentials">
  <button v-if="$pouch.hasAuth" @click="$pouch.resetAuth()">Reset Authentication</button>
  <button v-else @click="$pouch.useAuth('myname', 'mypassword')">Authenticate</button>
  <button @click="$pouch.createUser('myname', 'mypassword')">Create User</button>
  Your remote session name: {{ $pouch.session.name }}
  <div class="error" v-if="$pouch.authError">There was an error: {{ $pouch.authError }}</div>
ej52 commented 7 years ago

@nueko defaultDB needs to be a instance of PouchDB ...

Vue.use(VuePouch, {
  pouch: Pouch,
  defaultDB: new Pouch('http://localhost:5984/boom')
comods commented 7 years ago

Documentation incorrectly shows:

Vue.use(require('vue-pouch'), { pouch: PouchDB, // optional if PouchDB is available on the global object defaultDB: // the database to use if none is specified in the pouch setting of the vue component })

But what about when the documentation shows:

When using VuePouch, don't use new PouchDB(...)

Just following the todo example I am getting the following error:

Nuxt.js Error:

Error: Invalid Adapter: undefined at new PouchDB$3 (C:\project\code\nodejs\dbserver\node_modules\pouchdb-browser\lib\index.js:2774:11) at VueComponent.vm.$watch.immediate (C:\project\code\nodejs\dbserver\node_modules\vue-pouch\index.js:192:42) at VueComponent.Vue.$watch (C:\project\code\nodejs\dbserver\node_modules\vue\dist\vue.runtime.common.js:3223:10) at C:\project\code\nodejs\dbserver\node_modules\vue-pouch\index.js:169:12 at Array.map (native) at VueComponent.created (C:\project\code\nodejs\dbserver\node_modules\vue-pouch\index.js:160:33)

buhrmi commented 7 years ago

Sorry about this. Will rewrite the documentation.