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Bug: Not possible to spend a MuSig Address without TapTree #155

Open wip-abramson opened 8 months ago

wip-abramson commented 8 months ago

I have been attempting to construct bitcoin address that is a 2-2 MuSig address only. No taproot tree.

Something like this

points = [alice_public_key, bob_public_key]
musig = MuSigTapScript(points)
internal_pubkey = musig.point
// The address for the ScriptPubKey
p2tr_musig = internal_pubkey.p2tr_address(network="signet")

The p2tr_musig address is always tweaked. see cecc.py L200

I think this is correct per BIP86.

But, when I construct MuSig using the get_signature function. If there is no merkle_root, then no tweak is applied.

So I get back a valid signature from the untweaked public key. However, when I try to verify I transaction with an input that has a p2tr_musig value as ScriptPubKey it verifies as false. Because the pubkey used for the ScriptPubKey is tweaked, but the sig has not been.


// Returns valid, but untweaked schnorr sig
schnorr = musig.get_signature(s_sum, r, sig_hash)
// Adds sig to tx input witness
// Is false

I believe a simple fix would be to remove the if/else in the get_signature function so that the tweak is always applied.

Happy to submit a P.R if I am on the right lines

jimmysong commented 8 months ago

Hey Will, I'm looking at the BIP327 spec and realizing that it's different than what I've implemented (over a year ago). Thus, I would hold off until the updates to the library for making it BIP327 compliant are done. Sorry for the hassle!

wip-abramson commented 8 months ago

Sure, no worries.

What are the differences out of interest?

jimmysong commented 8 months ago

Very specific ways to generate the nonce, ways to add more than one tweak and so on. I've got all the tests passing, it's just a matter of getting it ready as a PR.