build-trust / ockam

Orchestrate end-to-end encryption, cryptographic identities, mutual authentication, and authorization policies between distributed applications – at massive scale.
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Explore if we can replace ockam-builder docker image with Nix #4546

Closed mrinalwadhwa closed 1 year ago

mrinalwadhwa commented 1 year ago


We use a docker image ockam-builder to get a near reproducible build environment

The is used in many of our Github Workflows

And is available as a devcontainer that can launch various IDEs and code spaces


Could we use Nix for this instead? What would be the tradeoffs?

etorreborre commented 1 year ago

One approach could be to use flox and nix to install all the tools, then everything is configured and available on the path. I updated the ockam flox environment here: That environment contains:

❯ flox list -e ockam                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ockam-dev go .#telegraf default
    Alias     ockam
    System    aarch64-darwin
    Path      /Users/etorreborre/.local/share/flox/environments/etorreborre/aarch64-darwin.ockam
    Curr Gen  61

    0   stable.nixpkgs-flox.apacheKafka@2.13-3.3.1  apache-kafka-2.13-3.3.1
    1   stable.nixpkgs-flox.bats                    1.8.2
    2   stable.nixpkgs-flox.cmake                   3.25.1
    3   stable.nixpkgs-flox.commitlint              _at_commitlint_slash_cli-17.4.2
    4   stable.nixpkgs-flox.cosign                  1.13.1
    5   stable.nixpkgs-flox.eclint                  0.3.8
    6   stable.nixpkgs-flox.elixir                  1.14.3
    7   stable.nixpkgs-flox.erlang                  25.2.3
    8   stable.nixpkgs-flox.gradle@7.4.2            7.4.2
    9   stable.nixpkgs-flox.influxdb2               influxdb-2.0.6
    10  stable.nixpkgs-flox.jdk@17.0.3              zulu17.34.19-ca-jdk-17.0.3
    11  stable.nixpkgs-flox.jq                      1.6-bin
    12  stable.nixpkgs-flox.mold                    1.10.1
    13  stable.nixpkgs-flox.nodejs                  18.14.1
    14  stable.nixpkgs-flox.pipenv                  2023.2.4
    15  stable.nixpkgs-flox.postgresql_15           postgresql-15.2
    16  stable.nixpkgs-flox.python3Full             python3-3.10.9
    17  stable.nixpkgs-flox.rustup                  1.25.2
    18  stable.nixpkgs-flox.shfmt                   3.6.0
    19  stable.nixpkgs-flox.terragrunt              0.43.2
    20  staging.nixpkgs-flox.telegraf@1.26.0        1.26.0

Building and loading a container out of this list is as simple a running

flox containerize -e ockam | docker load

Now the devil is in the details and we would have to check if all the dependencies are correct and if everything is available. For instance I think that the bats-support and bats-assert libraries are missing. But then it shouldn't be too hard to publish them as nix packages.

etorreborre commented 1 year ago

Some possible trade-offs in my mind.



etorreborre commented 1 year ago

An alternative to flox that I haven't tried (I am not even sure if they totally overlap) is

mrinalwadhwa commented 1 year ago

In @shanesveller added nix based environment.

etorreborre commented 1 year ago

This has been done via the work of @metaclips: and #5843