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eWallet Update #3 - July 13, 2018 #14

Closed nebali closed 5 years ago

nebali commented 5 years ago

eWallet Update #3 - July 13, 2018

Howdy! We’re back for another quick update on this week’s eWallet progress.

The focus for this week was to continue testing, refactoring and fixing bugs. We also took a good chunk of time to “evangelize” the eWallet inside Omise and OmiseGO by doing a demo to Omise’s sales team as well as an internal demo to everyone in OmiseGO as part of our monthly gathering.

What has been done on the eWallet?

The next steps:

We’ve also resumed active recruitment! We’re currently looking for 2 backend Elixir devs, 1 frontend and 1 devops.

Best, The eWallet SDK Team