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eWallet Update 15 - January 7, 2019 #26

Closed nebali closed 5 years ago

nebali commented 5 years ago

eWallet Update 15

January 7, 2019: the “As long as you can still grab a breath, you fight. You breathe...keep breathing.” edition

We did our best to take a little time off for the holidays, but we still made a big step forward at the tail end of December with the release of version 1.1.0-pre.0. This is a pre-release, meaning a candidate for release which will undergo thorough testing and some final tweaks before going on to become the version 1.1 stable release.


Here are the main items we’ve knocked out since the last update:

In review

These tasks have been completed, pending review by wallet team admins:

In progress

These are the tasks we’re focusing on right now:

Coming up:

We’ll be working on the remaining improvements and additions as well as lots of testing in order to take v1.1 from release candidate to production. And since we never stop looking ahead, we’ll be meeting in the coming weeks to nail down our approach to the next version once v1.1 is out.

As always, you can also follow our progress on the eWallet Waffle board and in our GitHub Milestones page.

The eWallet Suite Team

nebali commented 5 years ago

Final version