buildbarn / bb-storage

Storage daemon, capable of storing data for the Remote Execution protocol
Apache License 2.0
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JWT: support ALB token format #191

Open CaerusKaru opened 6 months ago

CaerusKaru commented 6 months ago

AWS Application Load Balancers (ALB) are... special. While they are compliant with the OIDC specification, the resulting token doesn't follow the expected format. Instead of returning a JWT in the Authorization header, it returns it in the x-amzn-oidc-data header. And instead of publishing one consistent JWKS key set file, it publishes one per region, and returns the key ID (kid) as part of the payload of the token, to then be retrieved dynamically, on the fly[1].

So, the ask is two-fold:

  1. Support fetching the JWKS key set from a remote endpoint, instead of from a local file or inline value
  2. Support reading the JWT from a location other than the Authorization header
EdSchouten commented 5 months ago

Support fetching the JWKS key set from a remote endpoint, instead of from a local file or inline value

I don't think we should support this. The reason being that it means services need to block on startup, waiting for fetching of the JWKS to complete. If the endpoint is unavailable for some odd reason, your service can't go live.

Please just write a Kubernetes cronjob that fetches the JWKS and stores it in a configmap.

moroten commented 5 months ago shoes how to update a ConfigMap from a pod.

CaerusKaru commented 5 months ago

We are not using k8s. We are using ECS. This option is not available to us.

Further, the JWKS fetch would not block service startup. As I said in the description, the fetch needs to happen dynamically per token, since the key value is embedded in it.

EdSchouten commented 5 months ago

Then schedule a lambda or something. AWS must have some kind of facility to periodically fetch a URL and store it somewhere.

CaerusKaru commented 5 months ago

The edit of the above comment is more important in the context here: the AWS JWKS endpoint is not static, it is dynamic, and (possibly) changes with each token passed, but can be cached after request.