buildcities / core-product

Core product for build_republic
MIT License
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Show Global View (homescreen) of all build_[city] chapters #69

Open angeloajr opened 2 years ago

angeloajr commented 2 years ago


The first page that a user is directed to after onboarding (and the default homepage) will be the global map view that shows all the build_[city] chapters and the ability to get a quick glimpse of the members and communities in each

User Stories

As a user, I want to be able to see all the build_[city] chapters and an indicator of which ones I have joined As a user, I want to be able to see how many members and communities are in each city chapter As a user, I want to be able to navigate the webapp effectively As a user, I want to quickly be able to snap to a certain continent As a user, I want to be able to claim a new city to showup on the map


General Requirements -Use the new Mapbox globeview to showcase city chapters

Style URL: mapbox://styles/triplea87/cl52m6q53000p15ocp1sd1my6

Access Token: pk.eyJ1IjoidHJpcGxlYTg3IiwiYSI6ImNsM2RiZTZlaTA2cmozZHA3bXdjNG9saGMifQ.Lm4UZ4spQ_43arU8ccnfCg

-Ensure city panel animation reflects design in Figma - cc: Danijela -User's "joined" cities should have yellow accent -"Claim City" will lead to a link that needs to open up in an external tab - @angelo-build will create link -Server icons on city panels should be organized by user count from highest to lowest (count determined by the number of users in that Discord server and ALSO has signed into build app; NOT just the Discord server count alone)

Data Requirements

-City Chapters are available in CSV file attached with lat/lon coordinates


Discord Data: -Server Icons -User Icons

Internal Data -City Picture -City Name -Whether a user has joined a city or not -Count of users per city -Count of networks per city

Relevant Links Check with Danijella for animation example of city panels

angeloajr commented 2 years ago

Subtasks and acceptance criteria