builde7b0b / DAOConnect

DataConnect is a revolutionary social platform powered by DataDAOS, leveraging the decentralized storage capabilities of Filecoin.
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User Management #1

Open builde7b0b opened 1 year ago

builde7b0b commented 1 year ago
builde7b0b commented 1 year ago

User Registration:

User Interface: Design a user registration interface where users can create new accounts. Collect necessary information such as username, email address, and password. Validation and Security: Implement validation checks for email addresses, enforce strong password requirements, and incorporate measures like CAPTCHA to prevent automated registrations. Backend API: Create an API endpoint to handle user registration requests, validate the provided information, and securely store user credentials.

builde7b0b commented 1 year ago

Authentication: Decentralized Identity Solutions: Consider integrating decentralized identity solutions like uPort or SelfKey. These solutions provide users with secure and privacy-focused authentication methods, such as self-sovereign identities and cryptographic keys. Authentication Workflow: Define the authentication workflow, which may involve the generation and verification of cryptographic signatures, interaction with the decentralized identity provider, and the issuance of tokens or access credentials. Token-Based Authentication: Use token-based authentication mechanisms like JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to manage user sessions and ensure secure communication between the client and the server.

builde7b0b commented 1 year ago

User Profile Management: Profile Creation: Develop functionality for users to create and customize their profiles, including adding a profile picture, writing a bio, and specifying privacy preferences. Profile Editing: Enable users to edit their profile information, update their profile picture, and modify privacy settings. Backend Storage: Design a database schema to store user profile information securely, associating it with the corresponding user's unique identifier.

builde7b0b commented 1 year ago

User Login:

Build a login form where users can enter their credentials (username/email and password). Implement server-side validation to verify the entered credentials against the stored user data in the database. On successful authentication, generate a session token or JWT (JSON Web Token) to authenticate subsequent requests from the client. Store the session token on the client-side (e.g., in a cookie or local storage) for authentication purposes.

builde7b0b commented 1 year ago

Authentication Middleware:

Create middleware functions on the server-side to validate the session token or JWT on protected routes. Check if the session token is valid and not expired. If the token is valid, allow access to the requested resources; otherwise, return an authentication error.

builde7b0b commented 1 year ago

User Profile:

Design a user profile page where users can view and edit their profile information. Retrieve the user's information from the database based on their authenticated session token. Allow users to update their profile details (e.g., username, email, password).

builde7b0b commented 1 year ago

Password Reset:

Provide a password reset functionality where users can request a password reset link. Send an email to the user with a unique link containing a reset token. Verify the reset token when the user clicks the link and allow them to reset their password.