buildingSMART / IFC4.3.x-development

Repository to collect updates to the IFC4.3 Specification
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Missing concept action plan #403

Open aothms opened 2 years ago

aothms commented 2 years ago


  • The concept usage 'Aggregation' for entity 'IfcActionRequest' in MVD 'GeneralUsage' is not modeled in UML
  • The concept usage 'Aggregation' for entity 'IfcController' in MVD 'GeneralUsage' is not modeled in UML
  • The concept usage 'Aggregation' for entity 'IfcElementAssembly' in MVD 'GeneralUsage' is not modeled in UML
  • The concept usage 'Aggregation' for entity 'IfcPerformanceHistory' in MVD 'GeneralUsage' is not modeled in UML
  • The concept usage 'Aggregation' for entity 'IfcProjectOrder' in MVD 'GeneralUsage' is not modeled in UML
  • The concept usage 'Aggregation' for entity 'IfcSlabElementedCase' in MVD 'GeneralUsage' is not modeled in UML
  • The concept usage 'Aggregation' for entity 'IfcWorkSchedule' in MVD 'GeneralUsage' is not modeled in UML

Two issues here:


Axis 2D Geometry



Body Geometry



Body Tessellation Geometry




Classification Association




Constraint Association

<Concept uuid="cb18b04b-641f-430e-a8ee-12050db80d00" name="Constraint Association" status="sample" override="false">
    <Template ref="c08b264c-f7c6-479f-af7f-5d645c130ea8"/>
            <Body>Constraints may be applied to a resource to indicate fixed work (such as total person-hours) or fixed usage (such as simultaneous workers).</Body>
    <Template ref="c08b264c-f7c6-479f-af7f-5d645c130ea8"/>
    <TemplateRules operator="and">
        <TemplateRule Description="Indicate fixed usage (such as simultaneous workers) such that changes to ScheduleWork should impact the assigned IfcTask.TaskTime.ScheduleDuration and vice-versa." Parameters="DataValue=IfcPositiveRatioMeasure;Attribute1=Usage;Attribute2=ScheduleUsage;"/>
        <TemplateRule Description="Indicate fixed work (such as total person-hours) such that changes to ScheduleUsage should impact the assigned IfcTask.TaskTime.ScheduleDuration and vice-versa." Parameters="DataValue=IfcDuration;Attribute1=Usage;Attribute2=ScheduleWork;"/>

<Concept uuid="216de181-6d09-4242-8fd5-42b11dfa2c15" name="Constraint Association" status="sample" override="false">
    <Template ref="c08b264c-f7c6-479f-af7f-5d645c130ea8"/>
            <Body>Constraints may be applied to a task to indicate fixed task duration, fixed start or fixed finish, where _IfcMetric_.ReferencePath is set to the corresponding attribute on the _IfcTaskTime_ entity.</Body>
    <Template ref="c08b264c-f7c6-479f-af7f-5d645c130ea8"/>
    <TemplateRules operator="and">
        <TemplateRule Description="Indicate fixed duration of task with ConstraintGrade=HARD and Benchmark=EQUALTO such that changes to an assigned _IfcConstructionResource.ResourceTime.ScheduleWork_ should impact _IfcConstructionResource.ResourceTime.ScheduleUsage_, and vice-versa." Parameters="Constrained Attribute=TaskTime.ScheduleDuration;"/>
        <TemplateRule Description="Indicate constrained start date with ConstraintGrade=HARD and Benchmark of EQUALTO, GREATERTHANOREQUALTO, or LESSTHANOREQUALTO to indicate &quot;must start on&quot;, &quot;start no earlier than&quot; or &quot;start no later than&quot; respectively where _IfcMetric.DataValue_ indicates the specific _IfcDateTime_. Use SOFT constraint having LESSTHAN benchmark to indicate &quot;start as soon as possible&quot;." Parameters="Constrained Attribute=TaskTime.ScheduleStart;"/>
        <TemplateRule Description="Indicate constrained finish date with ConstraintGrade=HARD and Benchmark of EQUALTO, GREATERTHANOREQUALTO, or LESSTHANOREQUALTO to indicate &quot;must finish on&quot;, &quot;finish no earlier than&quot; or &quot;finish no later than&quot; respectively where _IfcMetric.DateValue_ indicates the specific _IfcDateTime_. Use SOFT constraint having GREATERTHAN benchmark to indicate &quot;finish as late as possible&quot;." Parameters="Constrained Attribute=TaskTime.ScheduleFinish;"/>




Control Assignment




Element Nesting




Group Assignment



Material Constituent Set



Material Layer Set Usage




Material Profile Set Usage




Object Nesting




Object Typing



Note that this will also be reflected in the entity where rules that are derived from the ObjectTyping concept.

Port Nesting




Product Local Placement




Product Placement



Property Sets for Objects



Quantity Sets



Spatial Composition




Spatial Container



Spatial Containment




Alternative solution:

Spatial Decomposition



Type Body Geometry




Moult commented 2 years ago

Proposal for classification association:

It sounds as though the only parameterisation is in IfcDistributionControlElement. The relationships are all about external references.

Edit: evidence is because in IFC2X3 the original usecase was an attribute known as ControlElementId with this description "The ControlElement Point Identification assigned to this control element by the Building Automation System"

There are three types of external references (I copy pasted key bits of existing doc descriptions):

I disagree with the current usage of classification. IP addresses, MAC addresses, BACnet Object Identifier in a Building Automation System etc is not a hierarchical tree that classifies information - it may be a tree that signifies network setup, but not the information you are referencing in the network. So the whole concept of "tokens" in a classification system which denote hierarchy is not meaningful. This statement is makes no sense in terms of information to a user: "oh this element is on so the parent classification of similar elements must be 127.0.0".

The problem is that the alternatives aren't very good either. Documents are not correct. It's clearly a different concept.

By process of elimination we should use a library reference - in the original usecase, a Building Automation System would be the external data library, and you'd refer to a key within that system. But there are still problems:

That said, I still think it's good to keep classification of objects separate from what I call "How elements are linked to external systems". I'd propose introducing formal concepts for library references, and rewording the library descriptions so that a revision control system is just one example of the systems you can link to, but BACnet et all are good examples of other systems.

So the parameterisation would disappear, and be merged into the docs as guidelines in IfcLibraryReference or in the newly added Library Association concept.

I actually asked this to @jmirtsch in the past: "How would I associate an IFC element to say a Brickschema dataset"? After looking at the three external reference types, we came to the same conclusion.


aothms commented 2 years ago

Issue reported by @Moult

Annotation 2D Geometry


Any point or curve



aothms commented 2 years ago

Proposal for classification association:

Thanks for clearly outlining the issue.

The problem is that the alternatives aren't very good either

How about a property set? It seems as if that would be inline with how similar meta-data is expressed. I'd also consider an IP address maybe a (somewhat even potentially dynamic) property of an element. It certainly doesn't classify it.

And a tangent


If we make it a pset we should probably make it applicable also to things like:

IfcCommunicationsAppliance and IfcMobileTelecommunicationsAppliance

Moult commented 2 years ago

If it were a property set, it would have to be applied to a lot of stuff. It's definitely not restricted to distribution control elements. It would extend to spatial elements, and IfcProcess for sure (at least for systems like Brickschema).

Moult commented 2 years ago

Proposal for constraint association:

All the 4 out of 5 constraints make sense to me, and in fact in the process of implementing. One of them I think could be a duplicate but I need a closer look. But I'm not sure what your question is. Perhaps I can explain what they are to you (verbally if necessary) and you can make a call on what needs to be done.

In short, it describes scheduling constraints. For example, if I change the amount of work to be done in a task, there are two possibilities: either it takes longer to complete the task, or I need to employ more resources to achieve it in the same duration. These constraints describe exactly how to express it in IFC using IfcConstraint.

Admittedly there is an element which I noticed the other day (IfcReference) which has some outdated and just incorrect documentation. Maybe that is what is causing your validation to fail or other confusion? I will fix the incorrect docs, but let me know if a verbal explanation helps.

Moult commented 2 years ago

For control assignment:

I know about half of these in detail, and the other half I know the theory but never implemented. I'm not quite sure what the question is again sorry. I'm looking in the IFC4 docs and it seems as though there are two ways of presenting the information depending on whether the second column is filled in in your spreadsheet. I'm not sure which approach is preferred, or what the distinguishing factors are to choose parameterisation or non parameterisation.

aothms commented 2 years ago

IfcProcess for sure (at least for systems like Brickschema).

Groovy. I wouldn't see how a process can have an IP or BACnet id, but I guess it's a matter of how you map things. General pset is fine to me.

Constraint Association

But I'm not sure what your question is.


(a) When we document parametrizations like this the implicit or explicit meaning is also that other elements wouldn't use this concept as part of "General Usage" (whatever that may mean, there's different interpretations of that, but I would see it as the union of all MVDs, with certain areas less elaborated than a specific MVD). Are we saying that we don't foresee other elements to use constraints? If the rows in this association table are just examples, then I think it should be that, an example file or something else not too normative.

(b) The parametrization table doesn't make a lot of sense.




Parameters="Constrained Attribute=TaskTime.ScheduleStart;"
Parameters="Constrained Attribute=TaskTime.ScheduleFinish;"

Inconsistent between the two entities. Attribute2 I can't find in the template. Constrained Attribute makes even less sense I think.

How about this proposal then:


Moult commented 2 years ago

After verbal discussion:

Classification: will convert to library.



Element Nesting:

Moult commented 2 years ago

@aothms are we missing a diagram for element connectivity? The reason I ask is because there is this quote on IfcWall's docs:

Walls with openings that have already been modeled within the enclosing geometry may use the relationship IfcRelConnectsElements to associate the wall with embedded elements such as doors and windows.

This sounds very suspiciously similar to Element Nesting. In fact, I would say that perhaps IfcRelConnectsElements is more descriptive than "nesting", and can work for signs on doors or whatever.

aothms commented 2 years ago

are we missing a diagram for element connectivity


If there's time I indeed think It's a good way to unambiguously show the direction wrt Related/Relating ConnectedFrom/To

One potential complexity is that we have both inheritance on the level of template (well mostly table of content like subdivision) inheritance of the applicable entity and also inheritance of the relationship (IfcRelConnectsElements) have subtypes with their own related template. Potentially that could be a confusing mix, but I'm not sure if it has an actual impact on anything.

Moult commented 2 years ago

By the way, to solve the constraint one instead of writing documentation to cover it, I'll just convert them into diagrams since that explains it much clearer. Here's a snapshot from IFC2X3 when they actually did have diagrams (every other concept usage for these things have diagrams... except for the constraints, which were lost in the 2X3->4 transition) - maybe explains why in IFC4 there were invisible tables that had captions but no content, maybe a bug in IFC4.

Anyone for anyone's interest here is a good example of a constraint diagram - it will take me a little time to audit them and ensure they accurately portray the IFC4 constraint concept usages:


Moult commented 2 years ago

Here is the completed table for controls

RelatingControl RelatedObject
IfcActionRequest IfcActor
IfcControl IfcObjectDefinition
IfcCostItem IfcProduct
IfcCostItem IfcProcess
IfcCostItem IfcResource
IfcCostItem IfcTypeProduct
IfcCostItem IfcTypeProcess
IfcCostItem IfcTypeResource
IfcCostSchedule IfcCostItem
IfcCostSchedule IfcActor
IfcEvent This is wrong, should be the row below because IfcEvent is not the RelatingControl
IfcWorkCalendar IfcEvent
IfcPerformanceHistory IfcGroup
IfcPerformanceHistory IfcProduct
IfcPerformanceHistory IfcProcess
IfcPerformanceHistory IfcResource
IfcPermit IfcActor
IfcProcedure This is wrong, should be the row below because IfcProcedure is not the RelatingControl
IfcWorkCalendar IfcProcedure
IfcProjectOrder IfcActor
IfcProjectOrder IfcTask
IfcTask This is wrong, since IfcTask is not the RelatingControl
IfcWorkCalendar IfcWorkCalendar
IfcWorkCalendar IfcTask
IfcWorkControl IfcTask
IfcWorkSchedule IfcTask
IfcWorkSchedule IfcActor
Moult commented 2 years ago

Here's the table for Object Nesting:

RelatingObject RelatedObjects
IfcActionRequest IfcActionRequest
IfcAlignment IfcReferent
IfcConstructionResource IfcConstructionResource
IfcCostItem IfcCostItem
IfcEvent This is wrong, IfcEvent is not the RelatingObject – see row below
IfcTask IfcEvent
IfcPermit IfcPermit
IfcProcedure IfcTask
IfcProjectOrder IfcProjectOrder
IfcTask IfcTask
IfcTask IfcProcedure
IfcTaskType IfcTask
IfcWorkSchedule IfcWorkSchedule

Note that there are a few ones debatably missing from this table. For example, should an IfcTaskType also be able to nest IfcEvents and IfcProcedures? Potentially yes (it's not written in the docs, but I feel as though the intention is there). I haven't implemented that part yet so I can't say with 100% certainty, so keep in mind that this table may need some additions in the future.

Moult commented 2 years ago

Here's the review on Port Nesting:

IfcDistribution port has this description, I've annotated it inline:

[The ]()Port Nesting concept applies to this entity.

Sure. I personally reckon these sentences are superfluous and should be deleted.

Distribution ports are indicated on products and product types using the IfcRelNests relationship where RelatingObject refers to the enclosing IfcDistributionElement or IfcDistributionElementType respectively. The order of ports indicates logical ordering such within outlets, junction boxes, or communications equipment.

This sentence does not sound correct. This is not the Port Nesting concept. This is the Element Nesting concept. This sentence should be taken out of this concept usage, and put into the Element Nesting section.

Ports may be further nested into sub-ports, for indicating specific connections on components or pins.

Not an MEP person. Seems plausible. But I have no idea what the allows subport combinations would be.

NickNisbet commented 2 years ago

a. I don't believe sup-port nesting has ever been used. b. However, consider a UK small-power plug and a socket. These can be represented as a port-to-port connection. If necessary the each port, one on the plug and one on the socket could be dis-aggregated into three sub-ports, one for live, one for neutral, one for earth. c. Given the increased interest in off-site, modular construction of multiple service frames, it could make sense to have a port to control how the frames fit together and then sub-ports for the individual pipes, wire harnesses and ducts to ensure continuity. d. My suggestion would be to keep the possibility open.

Moult commented 2 years ago

Product Placement review:

The concept usage 'Product Placement' for entity 'IfcProduct' in MVD 'GeneralUsage' is not modeled in UML

Will just move docs to ObjectPlacement attribute. Makes more sense there.

Moult commented 2 years ago

Property sets for objects:

The concept usage 'Property Sets for Objects' for entity 'IfcObject' in MVD 'GeneralUsage' is not modeled in UML

Nothing meaningful. Already repeated in IfcPropertySet docs. Deleted.

Moult commented 2 years ago

Quantity sets:

The concept usage 'Quantity Sets' for entity 'IfcDistributionElement' in MVD 'GeneralUsage' is not modeled in UML

Nothing new. Deleted.

aothms commented 2 years ago

Ports may be further nested into sub-ports, for indicating specific connections on components or pins.

Not an MEP person. Seems plausible. But I have no idea what the allows subport combinations would be.

a. I don't believe sup-port nesting has ever been used.

I think the idea is also valid and maybe at that time when we really start using it should be a different (hierarchical) template. Is there any way we can just move this one statement on sub-ports to the documentation of IfcDistributionPort itself?

Moult commented 2 years ago

This table is for Spatial Decomposition, but if you read it right to left you get Spatial Composition :)

RelatingObject RelatedObjects
IfcProject IfcSite
IfcProject IfcBuilding
IfcProject IfcFacility
IfcProject IfcBridge
IfcProject IfcMarineFacility
IfcProject IfcRailway
IfcProject IfcRoad
IfcProject IfcExternalSpatialElement
IfcProject IfcSpace
IfcSite IfcSite
IfcSite IfcBuilding
IfcSite IfcFacility
IfcSite IfcBridge
IfcSite IfcMarineFacility
IfcSite IfcRailway
IfcSite IfcRoad
IfcSite IfcExternalSpatialElement
IfcSite IfcSpace
IfcExternalSpatialElement IfcExternalSpatialElement
IfcBuilding IfcBuilding
IfcBuilding IfcBuildingStorey
IfcBuilding IfcSpace
IfcBuildingStorey IfcBuildingStorey
IfcBuildingStorey IfcSpace
IfcSpace IfcSpace
IfcFacility IfcFacility
IfcFacility IfcFacilityPartCommon
IfcFacility IfcSpace
IfcBridge IfcBridge
IfcBridge IfcBridgePart
IfcBridge IfcSpace
IfcMarineFacility IfcMarineFacility
IfcMarineFacility IfcMarinePart
IfcMarineFacility IfcSpace
IfcRailway IfcRailway
IfcRailway IfcRailwayPart
IfcRailway IfcSpace
IfcRoad IfcRoad
IfcRoad IfcRoadPart
IfcRoad IfcSpace
IfcFacilityPartCommon IfcSpace
IfcBridgePart IfcSpace
IfcMarinePart IfcSpace
IfcRailwayPart IfcSpace
IfcRoadPart IfcSpace
Moult commented 2 years ago

Spatial Container & Spatial Containment:

My feel is that this should be the rule and not go into any further detail:

RelatingStructure RelatedElements
IfcSpatialElement IfcAnnotation
IfcSpatialElement IfcElement
IfcSpatialElement IfcLinearElement
IfcSpatialElement IfcPositioningElement
TLiebich commented 2 years ago

just a note - the concept usage (or general usage) at least in IFC4.0 time frame was never done in a complete fashion, meaning that if a concept usage is not specified, it is illegal. Rather it has been used to enhance the documentation, meaning that here it shows a particular importance (or just, someone was interested in it).

I just note this, so there is no surprise that many of such general usages are missing. I also assume that this work to improve will take more time and can continue after the March deadline.

Moult commented 2 years ago

meaning that if a concept usage is not specified, it is illegal. Rather it has been used to enhance the documentation ...

Wait, it is illegal or it is not illegal? :)

TLiebich commented 2 years ago

sorry - "if a concept usage has not been specified, it does not mean, that it is illegal" (absence does not mean disallowed)

Moult commented 2 years ago

A note @aothms not sure if you've done it already but I updated the table in

aothms commented 2 years ago

@TLiebich I'm fully agreeing on that statement. Do you have an idea on how we can put that into words? For example as a sentence above the "General Usage" table in the concept pages [0]. Ideally it should cover these three cases in the same statement:


Moult commented 2 years ago

Here's an attempt:

Concepts may have particular importance to common or standardised industry practices and scenarios. The table below shows a recommended list of general usage patterns that users may adopt.

aothms commented 2 years ago

I think it's good. The question perhaps is whether it needs a bit more explanation, such as:

The concept diagram above provides a generic mechanism to fulfil such practices and scenarios. The rows in this table establish specific uses of these templates, which may be further documented on the individual pages referred to.


Edit: meant to be combined with the above

Moult commented 2 years ago

Righto, here's an attempt to merge - with the intention to display like this:

X.X.X.X Concept Title Foo Bar

Blah blah blah description

The following diagram shows the generic classes and relationships used when applying this concept. In addition, concepts may have particular importance to common or standardised industry practices and scenarios. For these specific usage scenarios, the table below shows a recommended list of general usage patterns that users may adopt.


General usage


I tried to keep the language simple so I avoided terms like template.

aothms commented 2 years ago

Wonderful. Is it an idea to just write it in the template.html instead of appending to each and every markdown. Maybe with some intelligence to check if there is actually a diagram and a table? Well, you decide.

Moult commented 2 years ago

Done - not the cleanest templating but does the job.

Moult commented 2 years ago

Consolidated list of material set names:

Class Name
IfcActuator Casing
IfcAirTerminalBox Casing
IfcAirTerminal Casing
IfcAirToAirHeatRecovery Casing
IfcAirToAirHeatRecovery Media
IfcAlarm Casing
IfcAudioVisualAppliance Casing
IfcBoiler Casing
IfcBurner Casing
IfcBurner Fuel
IfcCableCarrierFitting Casing
IfcChiller Casing
IfcChiller Refrigerant
IfcCoil Casing
IfcCommunicationsAppliance Casing
IfcCompressor Casing
IfcCompressor Refrigerant
IfcCondenser Casing
IfcCondenser Refrigerant
IfcController Casing
IfcCooledBeam Casing
IfcCoolingTower Casing
IfcCoolingTower Fill
IfcDamper Blade
IfcDamper Frame
IfcDamper Seal
IfcDistributionChamberElement Base
IfcDistributionChamberElement Cover
IfcDistributionChamberElement Fill
IfcDistributionChamberElement Wall
IfcDoor Lining
IfcDoor Framing
IfcDoor Glazing
IfcDuctSilencer Casing
IfcElectricAppliance Casing
IfcElectricDistributionBoard Casing
IfcElectricFlowStorageDevice Casing
IfcElectricGenerator Casing
IfcElectricMotor Casing
IfcElectricTimeControl Casing
IfcEngine Casing
IfcEvaporativeCooler Casing
IfcEvaporativeCooler Media
IfcEvaporator Casing
IfcEvaporator Refrigerant
IfcFan Casing
IfcFan Wheel
IfcFilter Casing
IfcFilter Media
IfcFireSuppressionTerminal Casing
IfcFireSuppressionTerminal Damping
IfcFlowInstrument Casing
IfcFlowMeter Casing
IfcFurniture Finish
IfcFurniture Frame
IfcFurniture Hardware
IfcFurniture Padding
IfcFurniture Panel
IfcHeatExchanger Casing
IfcHumidifier Casing
IfcInterceptor Casing
IfcInterceptor Cover
IfcInterceptor Strainer
IfcJunctionBox Casing
IfcLamp Bulb
IfcLamp Conductor
IfcLamp Filament
IfcLightFixture Casing
IfcMedicalDevice Casing
IfcMotorConnection Casing
IfcOutlet Casing
IfcOutlet Conductor
IfcOutlet Surface
IfcProtectiveDevice Casing
IfcPump Casing
IfcPump Impeller
IfcPump Seal
IfcSanitaryTerminal Casing
IfcSensor Casing
IfcSolarDevice Casing
IfcSpaceHeater Casing
IfcStackTerminal Casing
IfcSwitchingDevice Casing
IfcSwitchingDevice Conductor
IfcSwitchingDevice Surface
IfcSystemFurnitureElement Finish
IfcSystemFurnitureElement Frame
IfcSystemFurnitureElement Hardware
IfcSystemFurnitureElement Padding
IfcSystemFurnitureElement Panel
IfcTank Casing
IfcTransformer Casing
IfcTubeBundle Casing
IfcUnitaryControlElement Casing
IfcUnitaryEquipment Casing
IfcValve Casing
IfcValve Operation
IfcVibrationIsolator Casing
IfcVibrationIsolator Damping
IfcWasteTerminal Casing
IfcWasteTerminal Cover
IfcWindow Lining
IfcWindow Framing
IfcWindow Glazing
IfcCableFitting Casing
IfcCableFitting Conductor
IfcCovering Front
IfcCovering Fill
IfcCovering Back
IfcDuctFitting Casing
IfcDuctFitting Coating
IfcDuctFitting Insulation
IfcDuctFitting Lining
IfcPipeFitting Casing
IfcPipeFitting Coating
IfcPipeFitting Insulation
IfcPipeFitting Lining
IfcCableCarrierSegment Casing
IfcCableSegment Conductor
IfcCableSegment Insulation
IfcCableSegment Screen
IfcCableSegment Sheath
IfcCovering Trim
IfcDuctSegment Casing
IfcDuctSegment Coating
IfcDuctSegment Insulation
IfcDuctSegment Lining
IfcPipeSegment Casing
IfcPipeSegment Coating
IfcPipeSegment Insulation
IfcPipeSegment Lining
IfcReinforcingBar Core
IfcReinforcingBar Coating
IfcBeam LoadBearing
IfcColumn LoadBearing
IfcCovering Lining
IfcCovering Finish
IfcMember LoadBearing
IfcPlate LoadBearing
IfcSlab LoadBearing
IfcSlab Insulation
IfcWall LoadBearing
IfcWall Insulation
Moult commented 2 years ago

I also checked on Spatial Containment again, in terms of docs, the vast majority have a copy pasted paragraph that simply states the containment is mutually exclusive with aggregation (i.e. appears once in the spatial hierarchy).

More than happy to purge these copy pasted paragraphs and mention it once in the concept doc page.