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Inline faces in IfcPolygonalFaceSet instead of an external IfcIndexedPolygonalFace #71

Open Moult opened 3 years ago

Moult commented 3 years ago

Description of the proposal:

Consider the following snippet - why can't the IfcIndexedPolygonalFace be in-lined (similar to IfcCartesianPointList3D into IfcPolygonalFaceSet? Wouldn't that be much, much more efficient?


The proposal:


The proposal is 58% of the original size in bytes.

Describe how it contributes to the objectives ( Simpler structure, same outcome.

Is this a proposal to 'add', 'remove' of 'change' entities in the schema (pick one): CHANGE+REMOVE

What do we win: Files shrink to half their filesize otherwise.

What do we lose: nothing?

Schema impact: Change the data type of one of the attributes

Instance model impact: NA

Backwards compatible: No

Automatic migration possible: Yes

Additional implications: NA

- Note that not all points need to be satisfied! Backwards compatibility and file size are not concerns.

jmirtsch commented 3 years ago

The faces are inline for Triangulate Face Set, but I would suggest the logic for polygonal is that a face can have inner loops via the subclass

It is possible that a list of lists of integer could be used, I do agree there would be a significant efficiency in doing this.

Moult commented 3 years ago

Considering the relative rarity of mesh programs supporting inner loops (perhaps sketchup is one), I propose: IfcPolygonalFaceSet and IfcPolygonlFaceSetWithVoids. The former is as I have proposed, the latter could be (an off-the-top-of-my-head suggestion):


2 added attributes are:

The filesize savings are too great to be ignored :)

Moult commented 3 years ago

My little snippet yesterday doesn't take into account multiple inner loops, but you get the idea :)

TLiebich commented 3 years ago

Thanks @Moult - its a good and valid proposal. Actually, when developing support for tessellation in IFC4, there was one proposal to only use a single instance to exchange a polygonal face set (even with voids), using a multidimensional list of integers. Leading to:




It was then not used fearing that a three-dimensional list would be too complex. The inner loop was mandatory in order to use it to superseed IFCFACETEDBREP which offers this possibility. But splitting it into a simple polygonal face set without inner loops and one with inner loops makes sense.

hlg commented 3 years ago

... be in-lined similar to IfcCartesianPointList3D into IfcPolygonalFaceSet

Where is IfcCartesianPointList3D "inlined"? I probably missed or misunderstood something.

It was then not used fearing that a three-dimensional list would be too complex.

I think it is confirmed that addition of two-dimensional arrays in IFC4 definitely caused substantial implementation and refactoring efforts in existing software. Just want to mention this, even though forward compatibility is not a concern here.

Moult commented 3 years ago

@hlg sorry for the phrasing confusion, I meant that IfcCartesianPointList3D has in-lined vertex coordinates.

aothms commented 3 years ago

I agree with @TLiebich that the nested lists is a effective way to keep the pairing between facets and inner loops. Like so:

TYPE IfcIndexedPolygonalFace = LIST[1:?] OF LIST [3:?] OF IfcPositiveInteger; END_TYPE;

Essentially this in "indexed WKT". WKT also has a polygon definition as a sequence outer followed by inner bounds.

As said elsewhere we loose the two inherited inverse attributes:

LayerAssignment : SET [0:1] OF IfcPresentationLayerAssignment FOR AssignedItems; StyledByItem : SET [0:1] OF IfcStyledItem FOR Item;

So it's a question of whether styling needs to be supported on individual facets. We have the IfcIndexedColourMap obviously so it's partly redundant, but style > colour. And now it's unclear how IfcIndexedColourMap will interplay with StyledByItem so removing StyledByItem is a quick way to iron that out.