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Transfer the translation for de-DE into this repository and upstream it into bSDD and on #7

Closed klacol closed 10 months ago

klacol commented 5 years ago

Based on the workflow, described in #2, the german translation of the PSets shall be contributed via this issue.

klacol commented 5 years ago

The PSetManager ist now turned on. The tool is transferring the approved PSets from the master branch into the bSDD.

I start the testing with this environment:

Targetserver: Test-PSet: PSets\YAML\Pset_ActionRequest.YAML

The results shall show up here:$V

Any feedback is appreciated.

klacol commented 5 years ago

Yes, it workes. My test changes from this commit are transferred to the testserver of the bSDD.

klacol commented 5 years ago

Ok, the PSetManager ist now activated for all PSets and runs against the test server of the bSDD:

I takes one hour to check 274 of 419 PSets. After this time, the Appveyor builds terminates, since the build time for all Appveyor builds are limited to 60 Minutes.

One open question is, if the content of the is identical with or not. I will ask @chiholau to clarify this.

klacol commented 5 years ago

Ok, the first run has just finished without exceptions:

Published 419 PSets with 2428 Properties. in 44:19 minutes for one language

@mirbekbekboliev : Please read the log. We have some work to do until Düsseldorf.

klacol commented 5 years ago

I have added some statistics in the log of the PSetManager:

Published 419 PSets with 2428 Properties. This are together 5694 terms:

From these 5694 terms are 1890 translations missing into de-DE. And for 43 Properties the GUID's are missing in the YAML files. In these Properties are probably more translations missing.

Just some statistics, to know, what is to do, to translate one language.

klacol commented 5 years ago

I have fixed all GUID's in the YAML-PSets, that I could find in the bSDD (I have married them).

For these eight properties, I could not find any concept:

These eight concepts have to be created in the context of IFC4 (MSG). I will extend the PSetManager with this functionality.

TLiebich commented 5 years ago

those properties are partially identical to those added in IFC4 Add2 TC1. See

but only partially - need to find out why e.g. the reinforcing bar/mesh/tendom attributes, that are also new, are not listed.

klacol commented 5 years ago

but only partially - need to find out why e.g. the reinforcing bar/mesh/tendom attributes, that are also new, are not listed.

Yes, my remarks are based on the checks against the content on . This content seems to be not 100% identical with the content in . We have to wait, what @chiholau sais.

Otherwise, we will just fix it and create the missing concepts in the context IFC-2x4.

klacol commented 5 years ago

Workes! This typo fix


is now automatically corrected here:

