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How to specify the relationship between a class and a pset being modelled as class with type "GroupOfProperties"? #96

Open MatthiasWeise opened 2 months ago

MatthiasWeise commented 2 months ago

Psets from IFC4.3 are represented as class with class type "GroupOfProperties" (see for instance Pset_ActorCommon with URI The applicable class of Pset_ActorCommon is IfcActor, but how are both linked together?

I was wondering if a ClassRelationship shall be used, but can not find a proper relation type. However, it seems (at least based on available URIs) that the Pset_ActorCommon might be modelled as a property as well (see: If not, why do we have different URIs?

But still, I cannot see a way how both are linked together (except using the Pset text field in ClassProperties, which seems to be a rather weak name-based relationship without any further obvious logic). Another option according to the specification (in particular double-checking with ISO 23386) might be the ParentClassCode text field in Class, which however does not seem to be populated in the IFC4.3 dictionary.

If there is a link/relationship between both, can you kindly provide an example how such structures should be properly represented in the bSDD JSON file?

Furthermore, if a relationship between the classes IfcActor and Pset_ActorCommon exist, and if Pset_ActorCommon identifies all Properties via ClassProperty definition already, do I have to repeat the definition of ClassProperties in IfcActor as well?

atomczak commented 2 months ago

They are not linked. What's more, we're most probably getting rid of those property set classes in the next update of the IFC dictionary to avoid those complexities.