Open reuhno opened 13 years ago
Hi there,
I've implemented this plugin too, and noticed the same bug, although i didn't investigate it as much as the poster "laboiteare". I've been having this bug in Firefox 7.01, and changing the suggested lines actually fixes the problem.
In my case i use this plugin to scroll through a list of twitter tweets, which are outputted by seaofclouds tweet plugin ( combined with a live() function with the create event ( since the outputted tweets are inserted after the DOM is ready.
Thanks to laboiteare for his fix, it really works splendid. Hopefully the extra information is welcome. Thanks for a great plugin.
Hi all,
I had the mentioned bug to. I implemented the solution provided by laboiteare and it solves the issue.
Thank laboiteare!
Hello, first sorry for my english ;)
The scroller works very well, but I saw a little bug on Chrome (14.0.835.186) and Safari (Version 5.1 (7534.48.3)) run on a Mac OsX Lion (10.7.1)
Indeed, when I run the page it works. Then I open a new tab, i stay on this tab (for 30 seconds or 1 minute). Then, when I go back to my page with "Totem", the last element stay with a margin Top negative ( margin-top:65px, in my case). The next interval fire, then the "new last li element" do the same thing, etc.
So, I did a modification that resolve my bug in the base.start_interval = function(){
I add the following lines before "base.$el.find('li:first').animate({...});" = base.$el.find('li').clearQueue(); base.$el.find('li:not(:first)').css('marginTop','0');
I don't know if it's a good way, but it's works very well for me. I tried to reproduce the bug on your demo, but I can't, I don't know why ! :s
If you've got a better solution...
Have a good day..