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See which other builds/steps are blocking a concurrency group #314

Open joscha opened 6 years ago

joscha commented 6 years ago

image 1

Currently there is no way to find out which builds are blocking a step in a specific concurrency group ( Would be great if there was a visual cue or tab in the Buildkite UI that allows me to see which other steps are currently running in the same concurrency group as the blocked/waiting step.

joscha commented 6 years ago

Just discovered this:


Almost 100% certain this just appeared for us...anyway, thanks BK :)

joscha commented 6 years ago

Only improvement which would make this even better is a link to the blocking builds :)

joscha commented 6 years ago


benquinteros commented 2 years ago


jmenestr commented 1 year ago

bump as well

iiq374 commented 1 year ago

This is a huge issue - seems a bit bizare for this not to exist somewhere

NeelamAggarwal commented 1 year ago


NeelamAggarwal commented 1 year ago

Hey everyone. We can find out using the following URL. I wish Buildkite team give this link under Timeline/some tab of the Build step.<<your org name>>/concurrency-groups/custom/<<your concurrency group name>>